Warrick/Gris Slash #1- I Won't Let You Down Again

Warrick/Grissom episodes I can think of--

- Pilot
- Cool Change
- Sex, Lies, and Larvae (even though Warrick wasn't in the room when Grissom asked Sara to do the background check, it's a classic moment!)
- Coming of Rage
- Bully For You
- Random Acts of Violence (thanks, csi_87 :))
hey all! :D i'm just here to drop an icon, which i made and thought it would fit in here ;)
Yay :) I'm really glad this thread resurfaced again. Grissom/Warrick is a terrific relationship :D

So, are we leaning towards Grick, YoBug or (after seeing Adzix's icon in the post above) CoasterLovin (well, as far as canon goes, Warrick is the only CSI we know for a fact that Grissom took on a rollercoaster ride... ;)

edited to add:
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