Wallpaper Thread #8: Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Oh, man, Lambchop! I loved your Alexx Woods one, and have definitely snagged.

...You hardly ever see any good Alexx Woods wallpapers out there, do you...? Nice job! :thumbsup:
Oh, man, Lambchop! I loved your Alexx Woods one, and have definitely snagged.

...You hardly ever see any good Alexx Woods wallpapers out there, do you...? Nice job! :thumbsup:

I'm going to miss Khandi. Just had to do something for her.

Thank you everyone for the great comments. These are my first wallpapers with PhotoShop. LOL!!! I'm still learning.
Sam, I adore the Mac walls, though I agree with AC. The text on your 3rd one is hard to read. So maybe a brighter colour or using a blending effect can do the trick. ;)
Sharon, I'm stunned. What a beatiful Calleigh wall, so effective. It really looks like an oil painting :thumbsup:
Mitzi, fabulous walls once again, superb. I can hardly keep my eyes of it, so I snagged Hawkes :drool:

None from me at the moment. Maybe later on in the day ;)
Great wallys everyone!!

Here's my latest wally (because Dan asked for more wallys of her :p :lol: ):

Enjoy! :)
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Thanks for the comment! :)
And yeah I noticed that text the third one is too dark and the sofwere which I use won't help bring colours out either! :rolleyes:

Very beautiful wallpapers from all you guys, Great job! :thumbsup:
Not wallpapers from me this time, but I'll try to do new one's for the next time!:bolian:
^^^ Sam, Adobe Photoshop, Core Paint Pro and Gimp are some great programs to work with. ;) Three for today. This free time should happen more often :lol:

Thanks Kat, *runs up and hugs you* I really love it, I love the style you have used and the font... Gosh I just think it's great!! :D You're very talented. :D Thanks!!
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