Wallpaper Thread #7

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New shiny thread already! :D
Wanna show or request a wallpaper of your fav CSI show? Just go ahead!

Previous threads: #4 #5 #6

The normal rules apply:

- only three images in one post, for further WPs use the URL-code; and because we're speaking of Wallpapers: when you want to post your stuff as images, as thumbnails! only ;)

- be gentle and fair, constructive criticism is appreciated but don't bash anybody!

- most of all: HAVE FUN! :)

P.S.: I guess there were open requests by Berylla Nienna and ckyprincess - check out the last pages of thread #6 ;)
Well.......................guess I'll post the first wp. LOL It is a Halloween one this time. Thanks Mitzi glad you liked the last one. lol

I've been off too long caus of work (24/7) *bummer* and I find a new thread. Congratulations everyone. As uasual great walls Katpin, love the Stella one Miami85.

Finally found some time to make a new wall. You don't have to guess who :lol:

WOW new thread. Great work everyone fallenthrough lovely Flack wall.

Mitzi I love you :D. I snagged your two Mac walls from the last thread, you have combined my two fav things Mac Taylor and Halloween *drool* Now I dont have to take Mac down to put up a Halloween wall...COOL!
Yay, new thread :D Love all the new wallpapers everyone. They are gorgeous.

Two new ones from me. I tried some things differently with these ones.

Mac & Calleigh - Whispers

Horatio & Stella: "There You Were "

Credit: Texture for M/C is from Misplaced Moments again. Screencaps are Pass My Shoulder and Random Scribblings.

Caps are Random Scribblings and Pass My Shoulder and Wurlocke at CSI Caps for the SHor wallpaper. Lyrics are from "There You Were" by Jessica Simpson and Marc Anthony.

Take Care,
Sharon...another great wall, keeping the halloween feel i love it :D
Jools...i know how you feel, end of year leave,"sucks" :lol:
fab wall as always
fallenthrough...flack in a tux, phoaw...im fantasing already :lol:
catwarfan...love the walls and the coloring, especially the C & M one...
none from me at the mo, though i hope to a little later :D
ok i managed to get up 3...they are very similar, but of different characters...and yes holloween ones, H ones im leavin for the expert on him ;) :lol:

fallenthrough - your wall is amazing! From which eppy did you pick the caps? Flack in a tux? I can't remember that at all! (or is it the new eppy which I haven't seen?!?!) Anyways... would love to know! :D

mitzi, great walls as usual! Love the Greg one! :)

CSISenna, cool Mac wall! The text is sooo right! ;)

catwarfan, lovely walls! I am impressed! :)
Cenna another great Mac wall. Always love how u do your walls.

fallenthrouh wow is all I can. very nice.

Dayna loved how you did your walls. They're wonderful.

Mitzi well................hmmm no words really needed. Awesome as always. BTW who's the expert on the H walls? Bet you'd make a great one of those. LOL

Here's A Stella one I did. I don't think it's that great & I also couldn't find Mac in a tux.*cries* Hope u like anyway.

Can anyone make a wp with just Flack from you only die once? I'm not picky on the caps used but of course I want it to say Flack, Don Flack. I loved the other wp that was made similar to this just minus Stella! Thanks in advance.
Beautiful Flack Wall Fallenthrough.
Interesting and beautiful combinations on your walls Catwarfan.
Mitzi, lovely artistic walls. Love them.
And Katpin, beautiful Stella wall (even if it's without Mac). Google around and you'll find him in a tux.

Only one for now. Had some problems with the colouring.
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