Wallpaper thread #5

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Fallenthrough, I love your work.
SpeedleSCIMiami, great going.
Frederica, great first try.
And Mitzi, don't give up on us.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. There's just so much great work posted here. Wall from me, very soom, just have a busy week at work.
federica great wall.

SpeedleCSIMiami loved how you did yours. Very unique.

fallenthrough love the D/L wp.

Here's one of Yelina by herself. Pics courtesy of MDG.

dstined4gr8ness-loved your walls

CSISenna- awesome on your smack wp. I snagged it. Wish I was just as creative & talented. LOL You're awesome.

wolfesgamergirl-loved your Ryan. he's changed quite a bit hasn't he since he joined Miami?
Great Ryan wallpaper! I am sure you all know by now he is my favorite! Katpin - you are so correct! He was so adorkable in the beginning...now he is smokin' hot! :devil:
katpin- beautiful Yelina wallpaper
dstined4gr8ness- I adore those Danny and Lindsay wallpapers
CSISenna- I love the Smacked wallpaper
wolfesgamergirl- nice Ryan wallpaper

A new thing for me, I actually caved and made a Miami wall. Lyrics are "All At Once" by The Fray. (I like this song a lot when making wallpapers) I had other ideas with these lyrics but I thought of this idea instead.

Wow fallenthrough, that is absolutley fabioulus! Great lyrics too. You don't know you had it untill you lost it. Awesome!
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