Wallpaper thread #5

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So Many wonderful walls since I was last here. Sarahh your wallpapers dont suck I think they are beautiful. Loved the Caleigh one.

Eriss Loved the NY wallpapers I snagged your Mac Taylor one hope thats OK.

Lovely stuff guys.
Boy you sure do learn things when you keep working with programs. LOL Hope ya like it. My granddaughters helped with it.

Another great H wall katpin! :D

Lambchop - I loved your Double Cross wall and have snagged it. Thanks. :D I would certainly like to see your other episode wallpapers. Please do post!
Hey Lambchop gorgeous wall. I loved it. I'm with csi fan uk. Would love to see more. Thanks again.

Glad ya liked my H wall. Am still learning new things. LOL
Great wallpaper Lambchop. I love it. Thank you. Okay here's another Horatio. What can I say. lol Pics courtesy of Ducky & MDG.

Hi guys!! I am loving the Horatio WPs, great work BG!! And nice work on the 'Under Suspicion' and the landscape WPs katpin31791!! :)

Yet ANOTHER DuCaine request! I'm mad about 'em! :D :rolleyes:

Could you make a wallpaper using these caps:





Please add these lyrics too:

'It's been so long
Since I've seen your face
This distance between me and you...

But I burn for you...
What am I gonna do?
Burn for you'

Could you have Calleigh in the background, faded out or something, like he's thinking of her? Whatever you come up, it'll be great!! Thank you again in advance!! :D :)
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