Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Voting!


Best Text - 04
Best Coloring -06
Most Creative - 11
Most likely to use - 13 <3
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Voting!

Well, I'm so glad that was easy to choose. :p

Wow, great walls, everyone.


Best text: 12
Best coloring: 4
Most creative: 1
Likely to use: 15

Good Luck!
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Voting!


Best Text: 08
Best Colouring: 05
Most Creative: 11
One I'm Most Likely To Use: 14
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black


Best text - 14
Best coloring - 04
Most creative - 03
Most likely to use - 04
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Voting!

Wallpaper Challenge #51 - Results!

First Place: by AppleJack

Second Place: by Mrs.Sanders

Third Place: by MarineGirl#1

Best Text: by Mrs.Sanders

Best Colouring: by Mrs.Sanders

Most Creative: by MarineGirl#1

Most Likely to Use: by Mrs.Sanders and by blackflag

Recognition Award: by crazy_steph

If you'd like a banner, just send me a PM :)
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results!

What a good challenge... so hard to choose between all those excellent walls :)

(I have to say I'm a little surprised... I wasn't so pleased with that Greg wallpaper... and it won three prizes!)

And of course... congrats to the other winners... and thanks for the votes!
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results!

Thanks for your votes and the third place… and the most creative choice.
And congrats to AppleJack, Mrs.Sanders, BlackFlag and crazy_steph
This was a fun challenge. :)
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results!

Results already? I've been so busy that I forgot to vote. :brickwall: I know I don't have to vote in every challenge but I think it's appropriate to at least vote in the challenges your participating in... I'm Sorry!

Great wallpapers everyone! Congrats to the other winners and thanks for the votes! Happy to see I'm not the only one who likes it. :lol:

Mrs. Sanders, what makes you wallpaper stand out for me is that beautiful subtle green colour, the black background makes it stand out great.
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results!

Aww well done everyone they really were fantastic, and thank you for the recognition award :).

I'm looking forward to the next challenge now the paint shop bug is back :lol:
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #52

Wallpaper Challenge #52: Brass/Tripp/Flack

This will be another character-centered challenge. I've picked one from each show. Each wallpaper should feature one (or more) of these characters.

[1] Entries will be due Wednesday April 21st.
[2] Anyone and Everyone is welcome to enter! You may enter up to 3 wallpapers. Any and all CSI shows!
[3] Please PM your entries to me, Dragonfly. Please include the challenge number in the subject line, and somewhere in the pm please state if you would like to be in Beginners, Intermediate, or Advanced. If you are unable to send a PM, you may send me an email (the hotmail address in my profile), but please let me know if you do so.
[4] If you are unsure which category to enter, check out the guidelines here. Any further questions feel free to ask! Or the Category Thread
[5] This is an anonymous challenge. That means you may not post your wallpaper anywhere until the challenge is over, if you do you will be disqualified.
[6] Recomended size is 800x600. However, if you wish, you may make them to fit your own screen. No Animations, please.
[7] As always, and most importantly, Be Creative and Have Fun!

If there are any questions, feel free to ask!