Vote for your favorite CSI 'ship @ E! online!

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Prime Suspect
Hi all,

I just wanted to give my fellow shippers a heads-up about a poll at E! online for favorite TV Lovers. I think it would be nice if the CSI shows are well represented.:) Here's the link:
If the above link doesn't work, just go to, click on the "Watch w/ Kristin" tab, and scroll down the page until you find the "What TV Lovers Do You Love?" poll. (You don't have to be registered with E! online to vote; you can vote as a Guest).

As my screen name implies, of course I voted for Calleigh and Eric from CSIM. Hopefully, if E/C fans generate enough online buzz, TPTB @ CBS will get a clue and bring Adam Rodriguez back full-time next season.:thumbsup:

- Delquesne
If you have a second, please post here which CSI couple you voted for in the E! Online poll. Not only would it be nice to share with your fellow 'shippers, but it would also keep this thread bumped as a reminder to other forum-members to vote in the poll. Thanks bunches!:)
I'm going to leave this thread and tack it to the top of the forums.
But, a few rules...

NO SHIP WARS ie, My ship is better than yours......
NO BASHING of characters and ships "Gil and Sara have NO chemistry..."
That's what the debate thread is for.
And also, the link takes you away from TALK CSI. So, whatever is said there, stays there... got it. ;)

Let us know if you have anymore questions.
Lol, I actually thought when you said 'My ship is better than yours' you meant it, lol I had to re-read it.:lol: EC to the world or Bobby and Hilda, idk.
Hey where's Doc Robbins and Super Dave;):guffaw:

Or Hodges and Henry?

Or Brass and Ecklie? I mean, they could be called Brecks..

Sorry Mods.. couldn't resist..

I'm kidding of course..good luck everyone!
I voted for Mac and Stella (of course), They are my OTP.

I also voted for Hodges and Wendy, and Eric and Calleigh.
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