ViperRoom Concert This Saturday! Lennon - Free Tickets


Hit and Run

Sadly to say I had to change my LA weekend plans. Work Work Work...however, I had already purchased two Lennon Tickets at the Viper Room this Saturday Night - Nov 11th. Its posted as a Aerosmith after party and should be a blast and who knows Mr. Giovinazzo might even show up to support his friend. Either way she's an awesome performer and I hate to see the tickets go to waste! Tickets go to the first one up...must be 21 and older. Its a late show starting around midnight...however, doors usually open at 8:30. Send an email to or respond to my email addy here. I need to know asap as I have to change the name at the box office to whom ever will pick them up. You will have to show ID. For those unfamiliar with the Viper Room..its in Hollywood!!! Oh and if Carmine is on the board he's welcome to them as well...but he'll have to bring one of the lovely lady fans on the CSI board as his date! LOL ;-)
I'll check this board and my email later tonight. First response I get the tickets are yours. We'll work out the details later. I really hope someone wants them..It should be alot of fun!!

Also Carmine or his family of spies...if you see the post and want the tickets and are wondering which lovely lady to take from here...Well try flipping through that little black book...I'm sure you'll find someone...LOL!
justfriends said:
Oh and if Carmine is on the board he's welcome to them as well...but he'll have to bring one of the lovely lady fans on the CSI board as his date! LOL ;-)
Also Carmine or his family of spies...if you see the post and want the tickets and are wondering which lovely lady to take from here...Well try flipping through that little black book...I'm sure you'll find someone...LOL!
Dude, you're killing me! Sweet way to try to score one of the girls a date though. Gotta admire that.

I really hope someone jumps on these tickets. Would be a shame to see them go to waste.

Carmine, Scoop up these tickets and take one of the ladies from the LBB as your date. If you're a good boy, you just might get lucky afterward. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I really hope someone jumps on these tickets.

I really hope someone jumps on Carmine.

If I lived in LA I'd totally go but I'm stuck up here. Oh, and isn't the Viper Room Johnny Depp's club? There's another reason why I wish I was in another country :(.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
[Carmine, Scoop up these tickets and take one of the ladies from the LBB as your date. If you're a good boy, you just might get lucky afterward. ;)

Um, Yeah, Carmine seriously, I would love to see Lennon for the second time in two months :D I would fly to LA to the Viper Room to go. But only if you (Carmine) would call. and yes, you would get lucky that is a promise. :lol: You don't even have to be a good boy, just a very willing and able boy :devil:
^ Do what I do. When the bouncer is in clear sight state loudly, "My god, it's so cold out. My nipples can cut through ice!" If that doesn't!

If this concert took place after December 14th I'd so be there :(. I haven't been to a real concert for the longest time & I wanna see a new act.
jorja_fan86 said:
^ Do what I do. When the bouncer is in clear sight state loudly, "My god, it's so cold out. My nipples can cut through ice!"
LMAO! You're awesome, jorja! That may work for you Canadians, but it just won't fly in LA.

And, yes, that is where River Phoenix died. And, damn it, if I weren't going to be in LA just a few days later (coincidentally, to see Lennon while I'm there), I'd jump on this. Can't go down twice within the same week though. :(
Well the tickets have been given away!!! and to our own Top41 is the winner...I'm so glad someone is using them...I told top...we want pictures...and if Carmine calls...we want video!!! LOL!!! I was beginning to think we'd have no takers!

And yes the Viper Room is Johnny Depp's club and is also the location that River Phoenix died...however, I think going forward we should all consider it the place that Top41 got lucky with Carmine...LOL! Well if not Carmine least you'll have good wine and music....;-) Lennon is awesome congrads!!
justfriends said:
I think going forward we should all consider it the place that Top41 got lucky with Carmine...LOL!
Correction -- it should now be known as the place Top and MrsG double teamed him in the ladies' room. :lol: Although I initally said I couldn't go because I'm going to be in LA just a couple days later, I just can't resist an evening with Top or Lennon and the Top/Lennon combo is unbeatable. :D Yes, I am lame enough to fly to LA for less than 24 hours, only to go home and then return to LA 72 hours later. Thanks for the tickets, justfriends!
That is soooo cool that your going too. I've changed the tickets over to Tops name and I'll send Top an email tomorrow with some details. You ladies have fun!! I'm almost more excited for you two to go than I was for myself. Obviously I'm a huge pushover around xmas too...I love giving gifts!
Actually I am so excited that MrsG and Top41 are going that I had to send the info to Top tonight even though I'm tired and ready for the pillow. So Top "you've got mail"
You ladies and your "ladies" had better be having fun while I'm all medicated up here. I want details...lots and lots of dirty details. If they're too dirty, then PM me! :devil:
justfriends - Thank you sooooo much for those tickets! The show rocked! Lennon is amazing. Fantastic show. If anyone gets a chance to see her, definitely go and definitely talk to her afterward. She is extraordinarily cool.

Sadly no stallion rides for either of us to detail. There were no Mr. G. sightings. :( That's okay though. Lennon was amazing!