Very Active CSI Roleplay

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LaurenD said:
Ok this is an actual RPG so i'll post the link momentarily.

It's set in Vegas but some of the NY characters(no Miami yet) have for various reasons transfered there over the years. Makes for an interesting mix but it's pretty fun to play.

Joy22- Totally interested in either. Rick would probably be the better choice, more fun and if you love drama you'd get plenty of it. ;) We had a Warrick who left but on of the originals was dating him. Got a bit dramatic when he had to suddenly leave. If you're interested in a bit of a twist you could make up a reason he's back ;)

MissMurder- Sounds fun! Either really.

SaraSidleStokes- Ummm... Sara isn't available. Sorry
aww well I Had posted I wanted Sara up there I thought I was going to be here
simple misunderstanding its all good
Ok guys... sorry you can't handle the navigating.

The owners away for a bit so I was trying to see if we could pop in a few more active players. No big deal.
no its okay I Misunderstood I had assumed that I"d play Sara because when I posted (I believe I was the first post) I didnt get a response one way or another
No worries at all really
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