Veasey Dishes On Stella And Adam's Relationship

CSI Files

CSI: New York executive producer Pam Veasey reveals whether or not Stella Bonasera (Melina Kanakaredes) will continue her relationship with lab tech Adam Ross (AJ Buckley). Spoilers after the jump! Stella and Adam spent the night together in the season six premiere, “Epilogue”. After their brief affair, Stella told Adam the relationship should not continue. According [...]

Honestly? I'm bummed that it sounds like they're just dropping the storyline. I mean yeah, it came out of left field, but it was a promising development - it sucks that we'll probably never hear about it again.

I am curious to see what's in store for Stella for the rest of the season, though. :)
Personally, I'm glad they're dropping it. Weirdness to the max. :lol: I still maintain that it would have made more sense for her to have hooked up with Flack rather than have him hooking up with random women. :lol:
Hmm, love/hate thing for me at the same time.

Love: No more Weirdness Maximus relationship.:D

Hate: Seems pretty stupid to just suddenly drop one of the storylines that could've have been...interesting and different. Dropping it just made what happened in the premier pointless.

But I'm still more on the love side.:p I don't think that their "relationship" would have lasted that long anyway.:guffaw:
*strokes Adam's hair and tells him it will be alright* It's not you, Adam, it's them. They just don't understand how lucky Stella would be to have a relationship with you...

:p :p :p I kid, I kid. It was definitely a :wtf: moment when I first heard about it, but what can I say - the idea grew on me. :lol:
Hmm, love/hate thing for me at the same time.

Love: No more Weirdness Maximus relationship.:D

Hate: Seems pretty stupid to just suddenly drop one of the storylines that could've have been...interesting and different. Dropping it just made what happened in the premier pointless.

But I'm still more on the love side.:p I don't think that their "relationship" would have lasted that long anyway.:guffaw:

The "Weirdness Maximus" part and the fact that it wouldn't have lasted a long time is what made it interesting to me. It was just so out of left field and between two such different characters it could've been a lot of fun while it lasted. :p

I just get tired of TPTB introducing things like this or people (*coughcough*Louie*coughcough*) and then throwing them into the BHC. Although they did "resolve" this story line by having Adam and Stella talk about it and say they'd never do it again, so I guess it really wasn't thrown into the BHC. But still . . . :shifty: :(
I'm okay with it not happening again, but I'm still left with the "whoa, how did THAT happen" feeling. I accept that it was for pure shock value to show it the way they did, but all the same, Stella and Adam in a hotel when they both have apartments? Was no one allowed to go home until the cops figured out it was safe or what?
I just get tired of TPTB introducing things like this or people (*coughcough*Louie*coughcough*) and then throwing them into the BHC. Although they did "resolve" this story line by having Adam and Stella talk about it and say they'd never do it again, so I guess it really wasn't thrown into the BHC. But still . . . :shifty: :(

*scratches head* Louie... Louie... Huh, sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it, sorry :p

It seems to happen a lot on these shows. Interesting storylines (or characters) just disappear completely :(
I'm very intrigued by this storyline. Although I do ship Mac/Stella, Adam and Stella's one night could have been really interesting to watch, especially around the lab. I am sort of sad to see them drop the storyline.

And it has nothing to do with the ratings, etc.. Yea, people did tune in to see if what the teasers were showing were accurate, but I think the 'spontanety' of Stella is more interesting. At least to me. :D
Since this is the first time I find myself reading something about this season of NY........Wait...what? Stella and who? Stella and Adam? *jumps off the chair* I gotta see, I gotta see :lol: sounds weird (even if it's just a one night stand), but weird things seem to fit perfectly the whole franchise lately, not to mention that, most of the time, they're cool to watch :lol::p.

Seriously, thank god they are not going to stick with it 'cause it's time to give up with relationships, at least for a while.
They were in a hotel room? :lol: Somehow I missed that. I thought it was Adam's place. :lol:

That's the impression I got. You could see through the curtain and the red hotel light was glowing enough to see some of the letters.

Or I could be making that up...but I think it was a hotel.;)
They were in a hotel room? :lol: Somehow I missed that. I thought it was Adam's place. :lol:

That's the impression I got. You could see through the curtain and the red hotel light was glowing enough to see some of the letters.

Or I could be making that up...but I think it was a hotel.;)

I remember the hotel light glowing too and thinking how it was odd they'd go to a hotel room. :wtf:
Adam probably didn't want to bring her back to his place - based on what Flack said to Hawkes in the episode with Katharine McPhee, Adam's place is a pigsty. :lol: And it would be consistent with what Stella said about how she didn't bring people back to her place. (Didn't she say that after the fiasco with Frankie? I may be remembering wrong.) So the hotel thing kind of fits...although it's another case of 'I wish they'd addressed the situation a little bit more.' Were they out at a bar? Did they have an actual date? Did they just head home together after work (maybe after working a case together)?


Although they did "resolve" this story line by having Adam and Stella talk about it and say they'd never do it again, so I guess it really wasn't thrown into the BHC. But still . . . :shifty: :(
The Black Hole of Continuity didn't steal it outright, but maybe it fell in when the writers weren't looking and they let it go because we have to keep the BHC happy - Hell hath no fury like a scored BHC. :p
Not that I expected wedding bands & Pampers out of this "relationship", but.....that's it?? :wtf: What a waste. I can understand tptb wanting Stella to fly by the seat of her pants, but the one-night-stand should have been with a random guy outside of the lab, maybe even the Fireman fella, but not a main character. Like we're really supposed to watch thier scenes now & not think about thier little night of DNA swapping... :rolleyes: