Valentine's Day

Ergh, I hate Valentine's day, it's just a commercialised load of ergh stupidness.

maybe I'm just bitter because I'm single?!
Investigation Finds Nasty Surprises In Boxed Chocolates

DALLAS (CBS) ― Who doesn't love chocolate? It evokes obsession, passion and love.

As Valentine's Day nears, many will stroll through groceries, retail stores or specialty shops and pick up some sweet treats for their sweetie.

But those looking to woo their beloved with chocolate may want to think twice.

A few weeks ago, CBS station KTVT-TV bought chocolates made all over the world. They went to the grocery store, to a Godiva store in a mall, and to a department store to conduct an investigation.

Full story, click here.
Thanks for the heads up, Dynamo1.

That is horrible, they should be checking and rechecking food before it leaves the plant. Yes hairs can fall in, but to find cat hair is disgusting!

And insects...good greif put up those big stripes and have them come spray more than twice a year. They need to remember that these chocolates are going to people that the buyer cares for, they surely don't want to get their loved one sick.
The Food & Drug Administration's limit for insect fragments is less than 90 per sample. Rodent hair is limited to less than three per sample.

well that is good to know! At least insects are edible...

Ulg, i hate valentines day. I don't need to be reminded how pathetic it is to be single for four years. I think I will watch a good slasher movie :D
Gah, either you're with someone or not Valentine's is over rated. You don't need a specific day to show someone you love them. Don't you do that everyday? Think I'll stay in and watch all 3 seasons of New York.
CSISneaky said: (...) Don't forget how horrible it makes some people feel when they don't have a partner to celebrate it with either, its like waving a banner in their face saying "you're lonely ha ha"!

Hi folks. ^Guess you mean people like me. :(

I do have someone I could do a pleasure. However everything I´m thinking about implies clear intentions.

Maybe someone of you knows a present that doesn´t only frighten a girl first of all? :D
Dynamo1 said:
Investigation Finds Nasty Surprises In Boxed Chocolates

DALLAS (CBS) ― Who doesn't love chocolate? It evokes obsession, passion and love.

As Valentine's Day nears, many will stroll through groceries, retail stores or specialty shops and pick up some sweet treats for their sweetie.

But those looking to woo their beloved with chocolate may want to think twice.

A few weeks ago, CBS station KTVT-TV bought chocolates made all over the world. They went to the grocery store, to a Godiva store in a mall, and to a department store to conduct an investigation.

Full story, click here.
Lets not even talk about what you get with your McD's hamburger at lunch time. :eek:
Funny, there doesn't seem to be a single person who actuyll likes V-day. It surprises me a bit, as I know some people for whom Valentine's is quite important.

My best friend always does something special with her boyfriend, like a dinner date or something. Plus, they always give each other gifts.
I hate the idea of Valentines day. It just seems like another oppitunity for us to waste money buying crap. Like Christmas the idea has been too comercialized . I'm single so that might make me slightly less Valentines but even when I wasn't I still felt the same way. Do we really need some gobshite excuse to spend more money?
I don't mind it really. This year was the first year I was gonna spend it with someone... But then I find out that he has to go on a 6 month Camp thing called 'Tihoi'. Bummer.
xfcanadian said:
I don't need to be reminded how pathetic it is to be single for four years. I think I will watch a good slasher movie :D

Guh, I've been single for 18 years. :lol: I'm going to kick back like any other thursday and watch Supernatural. :D

Never been a fan of Valentines Day and probably will never be. I'm not a very er, romantic person. And if I want to say something, I just say it. I don't need a card. Then again, cards are good if you've completely forgotten and need to make up for it somehow and only have $1.99 :p (Been there with birthdays. xD)
Aarghhh I hate Valentines Day I've been thinking of taking the day off! :lol: I hate all the cheesy commercial smaltz we get bombarded with all day. :p It does come across as a big up yours to all the singles out there.
I hate the fact that everything is PINK because of valentine's day.
I guess here it's... people think it bit differently, it's not just 'all about love' but friendships and stuff... yes there's heart there and here, but you can celebrate it with your friends. I guess it's mainly because how it's translated into Finnish "ystävänpäivä" and "ystävä" means "a friend"

But umm... I got early Valentine's Day present :rolleyes: Even I said nooooooooo :lol: It was Iron Maiden cd that I didn't have yet :lol:
i'm not single, but i hate it & the idea of it. you can celebrate how much you love someone every day of the year. not just once! <3