Valentine's Day


What's your view on Valentine's Day?

Personally I am a little annoyed with all the advertisment going on everywhere; cards, choccolates, flowers... every shop wants to sell their stuff. I don't get the point. I don't need a specific day to rejoice my girlfriend with little presents, or to tell her that I love her. People put too much value on this day, imo. Where is the beauty and the surprise in loving little gestures if everybody does it on the same day? I think Valentine's is too comercialized.

Any one of the same or a different opinion?
Well.. Valentine's.. I've always hated that day.. whether I was with someone or not (I think I've hated it more when I was with someone :p) the day is like "ka-ching" for 60% of the population.. so the meaning of the day itself was long gone..
I am not one to celebrate it either. I have never liked it and I don't see that I ever will. I agree - I don't need a specific day to clebrate - I would rather it be spontaneous.
I agree. It's all about companies cashing in on us trying to celebrate the day, wheres the right in that? And also why should this celebration be narrowed down to just one day, we can be romantic any day we like. Don't forget how horrible it makes some people feel when they don't have a partner to celebrate it with either, its like waving a banner in their face saying "you're lonely ha ha"!
Valentine's day is just another commercial day in my opinion. My husband and I do buy each other a card though, and if he did forget he would be in very big trouble! :lol: I know it's traditional to give flowers, but to be honest, why would anyone do that when they cost at least twice as much as they would do the week before or after? Ridiculous. No, clearly I am not a romantic. :lol:
Valentines Day is just another Hallmarked holiday where desperate people buy into the schame of giving people heartshaped gifts. If you want to show someone that they are loved, there isn't a need for a specific day show them when you want to.
CSISneaky said: Don't forget how horrible it makes some people feel when they don't have a partner to celebrate it with either, its like waving a banner in their face saying "you're lonely ha ha"!

I love it when that happens! I get to tell the banner-waving people "ha!ha! you're an idiot!" :D
Ahh, Valentines Day. The day that's supposed to mean more than every other day you've spent with your partner. Uh, hello? Does he/she mean more to you this particular day? What about the day when you met him or her? Does that mean any less? Good grief. It's just another Hallmark holiday.

I'm not saying it's horrible, I'm looking forward to spending some time with my boyfriend, but it's nothing to obsess over.
When my husband and I first got married many moons ago we did give each other cards but then we agreed to stop. We don't need to tell each other through cards that we love each other. I think it is just another money grabber by the card companies and such. This year we will continue to do nothing special. We'll stay at home and have a nice quiet evening :)
It's kind of depressing to me. My dad ruined it one year and I'be never really forgotten it. And also I went out to dinner last Valentines Day with a complete jerk and it also reminds me how I still have no boyfriend.... But I do enjoy giving gifts to my taekwondo instructors. :)
Like a lot of you have said or implied, I think Valentine's Day has become incredibly commercialized. I don't like the fact that so much money is made off of it. Besides, I like to do things year round for the people that I care about.
Umm, Valentines, it's not really celebrated round my way but the card shops are always full of stupid cards and gifts. I remember in primary school when everyone used to give valentines cards to their friends lol.
In school, we were thw ones who made money of it. We prepared some heart-shaped cards and a couple days before Valentine's we went through the school, asking the kids to write messages to the ones they care about. The cards were 50 cent each and the kids payed plenty :p
On Valentine's we again went through all the classes to hand out the written cards. It was a huge success, everybody liked it, most of all our graduation cash pool. ;)
I am pretty sure they are having a Valentine's Day party at my sons pre-school. They did last year in his day care. As much as I dislike Valentine's Day - it was cute having him come home with a bag of cards and candy!
I think the ones who get the most of it are the younger kids. They like showing they care about others. :)

Like Kat said it's fun to watch them come home and share. My cousins are alway excited to share the funny cards and candy.