Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

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Down: Am very dissapointed in someone. Should be pretty apparent who.

Down: I have a project due tommorrow for sculpture class. Not done. SHIT.

Down: My friends are all beautiful and I'm not.

Up: My new computer is working pretty well.
Thanks MissRoosFox and Dolphin *Hugs back* :D

Up: I've got a 7.3 for my Greek and 7.2 for my French test :D (1-10, 10 is the best)
Down: Need to learn Latin
Up: CSI NY, House and NCIS are on tonight.. :D
Up: I feel great!!! :)
Congratulations to Danique and robospanker (god, it felt so wrong typing that word :lol: ) on you results! :)

Up: Mega-excited about spending lots of money tomorrow :D (even though it's only clothes shopping :lol:).

Down: Started back at Uni for my final term, and spent 2 and a half hours in class this morning listening to a tutor prattle on about thermoregulation and the behaviour of butterflies :rolleyes: And now it turns out that the textbook he recommends doesn't even have any stuff about thermoregulation in it. Great! :p
robospanker_fan, I love your siggy. :D

Up: Am almost done with my schoolwork for today
Up: Watched a really good Audrey Hepburn movie last night
Up: Am going to the library in just a little while

Down: My stomach hurts so bad that I could cry :(
Down: Mom doesn't seem to care that I'm in pain :lol:
Down: I only slept for two hours last night, so I'm ready to go back to bed and I just woke up an hour ago! :lol:
up: my friend and i spent the whole of pe talkin bout two fanfics i'm was better than the dance aerobics we were meant to be doing
Down: I was late for uni, and it's only my second week, cos there was an accident and traffic just wasn't moving, and then a tram broke down in the city centre so it meant that I was even later than I would have been. Also, that I had to sit through 2 hours of anatomy and physiology. I'm just permanently confused in a&p

Up: I spoke to a friend from college who I don't see anymore and I met my friend from school who I haven't seen for ages.
Up: I kind of finished my hw, kind of.
Down: I want to be able to eat spaghetti bolognese and not feel bad about it for days and days... (Lily Allen - Everything's Just Wonderful). But I ate this pizza today (with lotsaveggies though) but I feel bad about it :lol:
Up: such a funny, and crazy day :p
Up: i got drunk! :lol:
down: i feel so tired right now... :rolleyes:
down: my feet are hurting.. :p
Up: CSI tonight :D
Down: I have homework to do
Up: the week is almost over
Down: I had to run the mile in gym today. :( I hate running.
up: while candlelight cooking me and my friends put loads of matches and paper in a cup and set it on fire

down: it got a little out of hand and i burnt my finger and it hurts
Up: Elbystar just gave me something to laugh about :D Sorry, I'm not making fun of teh fact that you've hurt yourself, but burning matches and paper in a cup and let it go out of hand? That's kinda funny...

Up: Went out for Cocktails with my best friends.

Down: Got a lot to do tomorrow...

Down: my shoulder hurts because I'm crouching very uncomfortably over my laptop.
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