Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

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Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: I love class :D

Down: Its Halloween and it feels nothing like it,which absolutely sucks since I was looking forward to being scared by something today.
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: no work for two days
Up: it stopped snowing
down: it's very icey, there have been lots of accidents already
Up: eating leftover chinese food for breakfast. Mmm.
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: I was able to sleep in.
Up: I only have three classes today.
Up: I have new clothes.
Down: I'm hungry and we don't have food...Again.
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Down: its soooo cold and my heating isn't working.
Up: get to write again
Up: exam tomorrow :D I'm gonna nail that bastard :p
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Down: I finished school at 14:30, but I had to wait 'til 16:00 to do a test I missed. :S
Down: Tiiired.
Up: All the marks I was afraid of to get back, turned out to be good marks. :)
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: New glasses.
Down: Something I don't want to share with the world. Family business.
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Down: I'm soo cold!
Up: Going trick or treating tonight! (Yes, I am a cool 18 year old :p)
Up: I am listening to awesome music
Up: Had a pretty good day today
Down: Girlfriend had a bad day today :(
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: Might fly off to Iowa in 2 weeks for Steve's last full concert.

Down: Paying for Iowa
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Up: 24 days in a row. I haven't talked to that stupid guy during 24 days even through the MSN. Finally I'm getting better :D
Down: I had a test and got 90/100 (for me that sucks)
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Down: Girlfriend hurt her head!
Down: Didn't get to go trick or treating with her so I took the nieghbors little girl
Down: I was all pissy until the end, and after that I felt really sorry for the little girl.
Up: Made girlfriend a candy bag!
Up: Got candy
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

Down: It's snowing. Heavily.
Down: I have a terrible headache 'cos haven't slept well in weeks...
Up: Because of the headache and weather decided to skip school and stay home watching CSI and drinking hot chocolate.
Up: It's CSI night tonight (in Finland)
Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc

:eek: a Finn here! :eek:

it is so not snowing here :rolleyes: Just...winds. horribly ;)
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