Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: swimming lessons were cancelled :D
Up: Only 4 days left and I'll have vacation again :)
Up: Japanese course this evening

Down: I'm tired
Down: French test on Friday :(
Down: Tomorrow I'll have 8 lessons :(
Up: September 18th today! oh my gooosh! :D
Up: pretty easy day at school :p
Down: tomorrow i have test in History...oh my..teacher sad:'read 5 times'! she is sick or something? those are 20 pages :eek:
down:tomorrow two literature's iiuuu, i hate that teacher and she hates me! cat fight! :devil: :lol:
Up: Listening to a great song now. No Tomorrow by Orson. I love it. :D

Down: I'm tired. Just like I was in March or something. Think it's anemia again.

Down: I think I have loads of homework. Not sure though. :p
*hugs Gregs_babe*

Hope you feel better soon, Depth-Of-Love! ;)

Down: my stomach still hurts... :(

Down: I've a headache... :(
*telephetically tries to cure Dolphin's stomach and headache* Hope you'll feel better Dolphin!

Up: my weekend was fan-friggin-tastic! :D
Up: my next weekend will hopefully be exactly the same :D
Up: new clothing!
Up: class with 3rd graders went better than before.. I'm making progress.. slow.. but still :)
Down: I dunno, but I felt a bit sad saying goodbye to my gf yesterday.. I'll be seeing her again on Friday :rolleyes: How sad am I? :p
Feel better soon Dolphin *hugs* :)

Up: my bruises have started to fade :)

Down: my best friend made a really 'off-the-handle' comment last night when it was obvious I was upset about what I said to her
Up: i have my fave cookies! :D *gives cookie for Dolphin hope you will feel better soon! :)
Down: i can't figure out one problem in math.. :p
Up: tomorrow i don't have first lesson, that means i can sleep.. zz longer :D
Up: 3 Days 'til season premire!!!
Up: I am at the schools computer lab and well, it's not annoying and I don't have to be extremly quiet in here! :lol:
Down: I still gots a cold.
Down: Gots homework
Down: I just found out you can't watch CSI on innertube if you're not in the US.. :(
Up: I have new shoes..
Up: CSI Miami and Grey's Anatomy are on tonight
Up: Bought two new tops for going out :)

Down: I've just spent the past two hours panicking about my computer - I couldn't get Windows to start at all, not even in safe mode. I was so worried because my thesis is on my PC, and I haven't updated the back-up copies recently :eek: But now all is ok, after I ran the recovery CD-rom :) *mops brow*
Up: almoust get done my homeworks..
Down: i don't wanna colouring this stupid painting.. ehh
down: i wanna see 'Rio' :mad:
Up: CSI Lv tonight and Dr.House :p
down: thats IT!... i have depression... *hits head on table and covers with hands* deep silence...
Up: ok, i am on wave again! :lol:

Down: Me just found the same out as Danique.
Down: Loads of homework.
Down: Too many tests @ school.
Up: CSI:Miami and Geer&Goor over de vloer are on tonight. :D
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