Unfortunate Names

Exit 8A

European basketball fans should recognize this name

:lol: :lol: :lol: I've been following Euro basketball for years and I'm sorta familiar with the guy...love it...

I have to say though, my favorite was when I was going to music school, the doctor who had a clinic nearby where a lot of the students went was named Royal Paine. I kid you not!!

That's really bad for them :lol:
A Dutch football player (using the term football know after the poll in miscelaneous) is named Cocu, in French that mean something bad.
A comon name her in Holland is Dick (not that modern anymore)
hehe, i've got a lot of these from the work i've done and people i've met

miller dark
lance spears
oral massengill
ophelia dick
ben boykin (works lastname first also)

those are my favs
I found one in the phone book in Vegas when I was there a few months ago. There is a listing for an "L. Skywalker". I looked on the online phone book and saw that his name is still listed. I wonder how many prank calls he gets a day.