Two CSIs Fight For Their Lives In 'All In'

CSI Files

Danger lurks at home and abroad.<p>According to CSI Files sources, <A class="link" HREF="">"All In"</a> airs on a special night (Tuesday at 10:00pm EST) and continues the story from the previous episode, <A class="link" HREF="">"Ambush"</a>. "All In" begins with Horatio in Brazil. He exits the front door of a mansion that is surrounded by rainforest. As soon as he steps into the driveway, Horatio has company in the form of twelve members of the Mala Noche gang. They intend to make sure that justice is served for the death of Antonio Riaz (<A class="link" HREF="">"Rio"</a>)--but they have their own way of doing things.<p> The leader of the band of thugs leads Horatio toward a car in the driveway, and a second gang member steps up to Horatio's side. Horatio knows that if he gets into the car, there's no escaping his fate. He reacts immediately, grabbing the gun from the thug beside him and killing him with a single shot to the head. He grabs his own gun and dispatches six more gang members. More of the men scatter, but the ones inside the car fire at Horatio, who ducks for cover in the jungle vegetation.<p>The thugs try to shoot at Horatio, but they miss. Horatio takes out one of the men on a motorcycle, and when another man tries to ride forward, Horatio puts two bullets in his chest and he loses control of his motorcycle, driving headlong into the jungle. Some of the men are hiding behind the car, but they aren't safe. Horatio gets around to shoot at them, taking two down and blowing out the windows of the car in the process. The surviving men scramble into the car and drive off.<p>The leader of the group, who had been hiding behind the car, is left alone and unprotected. He holds his gun out, alert. Whenever he hears the slightest sound, he fires into the jungle, missing every time. Suddenly, Horatio is beside him, his gun trained on the man. When the thug tries to take Horatio out, Horatio beats him to it. The man falls to the ground, dead, and Horatio walks away into the jungle.<p>Meanwhile, back in Miami, another member of the team is in danger. Calleigh has been kidnapped and gagged. Two men have taken her to a room where a dead body can be seen on the floor next to a poker table. Seth McCallister has a gun trained on her, but Toby Burke is just trying to look tough. Calleigh looks around the room and sees the industrial equipment surrounding the little poker area. Seth pulls off her gag and she asks what he wants. He tells her that he wants her to erase the evidence that ties them to the murder.<p>Calleigh knows she has no choice but to obey--she needs to survive. The first order of business, she tells them, is to remove the bullet from the body. She uses a pair of tongs from an ice bucket to dig into the wound and pull out the bullet. She tells Seth to get rid of it and for them to put on gloves and start cleaning. They need to bleach the floor and wipe down the surfaces to remove any fingerprints, shoe prints and DNA evidence. When Seth says she's served her purpose, Calleigh tells him there's more: the bullet she removed from the body smelled like garlic.<p>Seth thinks she's bluffing, but Toby wants to see what else Calleigh can do. She sends him out for some supplies so that she can perform a little experiment. While Toby is gone, Seth tries his luck getting close to Calleigh--but she shuts him down. He's got a gun, but she's not having any of his crap. Toby shows back up before things get ugly, and Calleigh gets started on testing her hunch. <p>She puts some toilet bowl cleaner in a mug and adds some tissue from the dead man's wound tract. The hydrochloric acid from the cleaner diffuses the body tissue. She then strips a speaker wire and places the copper into the solution--it turns gray. Seth wants to know what it means, and Calleigh tells him the truth: it looks like his gun didn't kill the man after all. He was poisoned.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "All In" will air April 1 on CBS.<center></center>
So basically Horatio takes out 80 gang members and heads off into the jungle? :lol:

The Calleigh plotline sounds good, though! Can't wait to see her kick their asses in the end (as I'm sure she will). :D
Yeah, I know. The Horatio stuff made me groan--I can already predict that I'll be either rolling my eyes or laughing my arse off during that scene. Possibly both.


The stuff with Calleigh, on the other hand, does look like it'll be good.
So basically Horatio takes out 80 gang members and heads off into the jungle? :lol:

If I didn't know better and looked at the date of the episode, I'd say "Yeah, right, whatever." But sadly I've seen enough Miami episodes to know that the scene will be as overdone as it could possibly be. Bet there'll be not a single dust particle on his sunnies once he's taken down the 1 000 000 bad guys.

I'll probably still watch it...but I'll join the eyerolling squad.
The only thing to make it better would be if some jungle animal hobbled out to Saint H, wounded from a stray bullet, and Saint H healed its wounds.
i kind of like the over the top Horatio stuff :lol: Good action and funny! I don't take Miami too seriously, I guess.