Hit and Run
Here is the link on YouTube for those of you who cannot get on CBS.com.
Thanks for that! Loving Nick with the birthday cake. That just made me laugh for some reason. And the time warp thing is really cool. I can't wait to see the whole thing.
Oh and Taylor Swift as a dead body, that was pretty good for someone who's never done it before.
Here's a link to Entertainment Tonight's set visit, this should air tonight on their broadcast but if you want to watch it now...here you go
Taylor Swift on CSI
Click on the picture of Taylor and the video pops up they talk to George so enjoy
Wow his accent is really thick! I love it though! And Taylor is so sweet and adorable! I liked her comment about suddenly realizing she was working next to Nick Stokes. :lol:
The more info I find out about this, the more I want to see it.
Though I agree this will probably be hard to watch when Nick has the emotional breakdown.
Not as hard as seeing him scream and cry while he was in that casket in Grave Danger. Man that broke my heart.