Turkey - Becoming Member of EU or Not?

Wow well done Steve_Jobs.. have just taken a peek and will read it as a whole later on :) I must say, more cons than pros I noticed :p It's nice to see (for me personally of course) the impact it will have on the Netherlands.
Looked really nice work, steve_jobs
Tho I have to say that ALL countries that are not yet EU members and if they'd join, people from there would come here to "steal our jobs", not just Turkish ;)

Here they hire lots of Estonian because they mostly learn/know already the language and are not so expensive workforce than us Finns.

I don't see that Turkey would have any different effect to already EU members that those Eastern European countries that are not members yet.
what is the point in having a forum when you cant say what you believe. i tried to post and it wont let me.
keep turkey away from eu
Rather than start a whole new thread, I thought I put this here :) Does anyone have any opinion on Bulgaria and Romania being allowed to join the EU?

The European Commission has announced that Romania and Bulgaria will be admitted to the EU in January 2007, but under strict conditions.

Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said both countries had made enough progress to join the union.

But they will be checked for progress in curbing organised crime and corruption, and ensuring food safety and the proper use of EU funds.

Bulgaria's PM said the move was the fall of the Berlin Wall for his nation.

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said his people should be proud of themselves, but should not make the mistake of thinking that accession would mean all the country's problems would be solved.

The conditions are tougher than those imposed on previous new members, observers say.

The BBC's Oana Lungescu in Strasbourg says they are intended both as a reassurance for EU citizens, only half of whom support further enlargement, and as a warning to Turkey and the Balkan nations still lobbying for EU membership.

From BBC.co.uk. Full article here
I think that it's fine, as long as they keep their agreement of trying to reduce govenmental corruption and increase the economy. There's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to join.
I guess I don't really have the proper perspective on why or how this all goes down since I'm in Canada and not very well-informed on the comings and going in the EU, but it seems to me that a greater good can often come from allowing these countries in- that is, by enforcing the "requirements" for these countries to join the EU, they are actually improving the lives of the people in these countries. If that's the case, then I'm all for it. As the saying goes, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Then again, are these requirements corruptable? Can countries ostensibly do what they need to in order to satisfy the requirements and then sort of slack off afterwards without much fear of being disciplined? Are there safety-guards in place to prevent abuse of the system?
kazzy said:
I mean Turkey is a muslim country which just means the religion itself has a lower opinion of women that would clash compared to the other EU countries so..that is a problem.

Who said that? See your problem is that you look at it from a Western perspective, the way Muslim women are depicted in Western movies as "victims" of obsessive men. I think you need to look at it from BOTH perspectives before you judge the religion the way you just did. Women are abused in ALL societies and all religions, it is not merely an Arabic/Muslim issue. Look into that before you make such claims.

"I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)"

(you can google "women's rights in Islam" for more information or refer to this:http://www.answering-christianity.com/womensrights.htm ).

Now about Turkey becoming a member of EU, other than financial reasons, I don't understand why Turkey would want to be a part of EU anyway. But that's just me speaking as someone who sees corruption in these "international associations". Religion may be a concern, but get rid of the Turkish people from your countries and tell me if the economy would be the same or not? For the most part, foreigners do the dirty work that a nation's own people refuse to do (whether it is garbage men, housemaids...etc). And for educated foreigners, your country benefits by aiding them with education that would further develop your country.
And if you think Turkey does not respect human rights, for the love of God don't tell me you honestly believe that Human Rights is respected in Europe! Democracy and human rights are walked all over in European countries as well as America, but the rest of the world is so focused on Arab negativity that they forget they've got their own corruption within. France banned veiled women from going to universities, many European countries as well as America banned Al-Manar tv from airing becuase it "instilled hatred in people", when having a pro-Western news channel speak about how crappy Muslims are all day puts hatred in people's hearts as well. No one stops to think of that.
Like I said, other than economic purposes, it is useless. I don't have much hope in Europe having better relations with the Middle East any time soon. And to correct someone (can't find who it was right now), but Turkey is not an Arab country, it's just Middle Eastern. Oh and its secular, so Europe won't become a Muslim state, don't worry.
I get the feeling that EU is growing too fast. There wasway too many countries taken in 2004 and now two more. The good thing is that EU will prevent fights between nations (WW I and WW II) and create more stable Europe.

If they've set even more strict requirements to these countries and EU has seen that those are met - I don't see a problem. They are really picky :p

EU and it's bureaucracy - countries cannot escape from that (except UK, France and Germany :p ) I mean, small countries are kept under control. To keep economy healthy... well... Germany for example can basicly do whatever they can with their economy and they don't even try to fix it and rest of the EU just sits quietly. Since it's one of the "big countries"

Of course my another fear (let me say again, life would be better without EU for me) is that we (Finland) just have to pay more and more when these "not so good economy" countries join. EU is basicly stabbing our agriculture to death.

Of course there's fear that in such a big institution (what EU is) corruption can get easily. But I don't think it would go bad. If you outsiders only knew all the stuff EU brings up to our lives. So the abuse :) thinking that you can do whatever you want after you are a member) doesn't work. EU is like big brother.

Because living in a small country. We'll be just fucked up even more here in north.

Remember it's not just "No corruption and good economy". It's about everything. It's the how you produce food, how safe it is, how you keep your animals, what you feed to them, healthcare, human rights, tax.Simply everything. No one can get away from the rules that EU brings to your life. As simple as driving license. Everything will be kept under the control.