Turkey - Becoming Member of EU or Not?


Master of the Moos
Since Finland is "president" country for EU in next 6 months, lots of EU issues going on in the news. One of the big questions is should Turkey be allowed to be member of EU? Of course they need to improve their country a lot before it can taken but do you feel it's right to take Turkey to be a member of EU?

I see no point why it couldn't become EU member, as long as they do what needs to be to done to become a member, such as human rights, women's rights, justice system etc.

It will set new challenges to EU. Being the first muslim country, giving new neighbours in east and spreading to Asia. But I think it would give so much to EU and I do consider it as a great opportunity to EU.

I know countries, such as Germany are against it, because they have already lots of immigrants from Turkey and it would raise since moving would becoming easier.

Anyone else has thoughts about this?
Holland has many immigrants from turkey as well! Because a group causes a lot of trouble a lot of people are against it.

I am in a two way... On one hand I don't have any faith in there political system on how they do stuff. But they can surprise my for changes. Then especially in human/woman rights point of view.

It will indeed open a lot of closed eyes I hope, if they join, with the whole muslim stuff going on. I was also a very narrow minded person on that issue but in the summer of 2002 (the summer after the 9/11 attacks) I took my journey to Egypt and I met an egyptian man which whom we talked about religions (I'm not religious), bush and other issues like it. and I got to learn a lot. And I had so much fun touring with that man through the non touristic part of egypt!

The moving around should be okay but then our OWN country together the people that move and I don;t care from what country they are should do more about their skills for fitting in here. Ofcourse is okay to have your own way of living but why move if you don't want to fit in???
Argh..I don't know.

Turkey is NOT in Europe so shouldn't be frigging allowed in the EU. Only 3% of its land are in Europe. We have got to set certain lines of where Europe ends and where Middle East begins. Seriously, if we're going to let Turkey in, we might just as well let in every country in the world that happens to be next door to Europe. :rolleyes: We have to set certain limits. ;) I mean Turkey is a muslim country which just means the religion itself has a lower opinion of women that would clash compared to the other EU countries so..that is a problem.

If Turkey were to join apart, we would have much more immigrants. Sure, they're good but Turkey is not a country that would contain skilled workers if you know what I mean. :p Such as what kind of good opportunies would Turkey joining the EU give us Ducky?

But then again, Turkey is a country that is modernising and has a national growth of 7% a year and will have a higher GNP than most of the European countries in a few decades so that is a plus. It will be useful to have Turkey in the EU as a middle man between Europe and OTHER muslim countries/Middle East countries.

And the human rights overall, if they can get that up to speed compared to many members of the EU and if they can get the womens rights that they deserve in Turkey even though, it's a muslim country so Turkey will have quite a job to do if they want to join the EU.
I think the main problem right now isn't really the immigrants but more the fact that Turkey is a muslim country, that's sad but that's how it works...Dunno if you guys remembered but a while ago, EU members tried to adopt a constitution, thank god it didn't work...Why? cause one of the resolution was to adopt a commun religion (christianism)....So i guess that's the main reason why they don't really wanna see Turkey as a EU member. Of course there are others reasons but our french president said it was the "unofficial" problem, even if he wants Turkey to be an EU member.

I probably get confused :lol: but i think religion is on the balance
kazzy said:

If Turkey were to join apart, we would have much more immigrants. Sure, they're good but Turkey is not a country that would contain skilled workers if you know what I mean.

Hehe more and more high educated people from holland are moving away to something better so they are helping that problem a lot... just like me in a few years I hope!
It's not my fault your countries are so tempting... I don't see any increase with immigrants in here... but now who would move in such a country?

With Turkey joining, EU could develope better relationship with Middle East countries, would do good for the economy and trade. I consider it as European country :p

Of course then conflicts in Middle East would come closer to EU.

I know for many countries the fact Turkey is islamic country is a problem. It's sad to see that way. And EU constitution is something bad. Something really bad and I hope it never comes real.
DaWacko said:
It's not my fault your countries are so tempting... I don't see any increase with immigrants in here... but now who would move in such a country?

ME! If the language barrier wouldn't be there! I love Finland!
Well, you can always learn Swedish and move then to some bilingual city. Tho I don't recommend west coast because their Swedish is...something ontheir own :lol:
Turkey , being the most western of Arabic countries, there is no reason why it can't, provided...
DaWacko said:
Well, you can always learn Swedish and move then to some bilingual city. Tho I don't recommend west coast because their Swedish is...something ontheir own :lol:

hmmzz. Is it not better to learn the finnish language right away instead of the sweddish hehe. I can't speak both :p

But the turkey issue. I'm really in a two way. It is so different and I don;t see the countries work together really well... but then again it would be a good step to make it work!
I don't want Turkey in the EU.
There are a lot of human right abuses.
They abolished the death penalty not until 2006.

With Turkey joining, EU could develope better relationship with Middle East countries, would do good for the economy and trade.

yep, that's true. for the economy it has a lot of advantages.

EU always thinks about the economy first and then about the people.

I know for many countries the fact Turkey is islamic country is a problem. It's sad to see that way.

also true. There are a lot of people who are more liberate Moslims.
But in Austria they provoke the people.
ok, not all of them. but most of them. that's really true.

for me, they are not an European country.
No more new countries. There are a lot of problems with the existing countries. too many differences, more money to pay than my country receive.
personally I don't think that the EU will exists forever.

I have to admit I'm not very pleased with the EU at the moment.
We were the 'president' country before Finland and it only costs millions of euros. :rolleyes:
Even though I reside in Canada I don't think Turkey should become a part of the EU for many reasons. First off, I believe Kazzy is 100% correct when she said that Turkey is not part of Europe. Their capital, Istanbul, was actually formly known as Constantinople which was part of Greece before it was taken away from us. They actually turned St.Sophia's church, which was the base of Christianity, into a mosque. Also, Cyprus is rightfully part of Greece but unfortunately they decided to steal part of it right from the Greeks. Plus, Turkey is the only country in "Europe" with the majority of people being Muslim and I believe every other country in Europe is either Orthodox like Greece and Russia, or Catholic like Italy & Croatia. I'm sure that fact alone might create a few problems. Plus, I know tons of people in Greece and outside Greece who would be pretty angry if Turkey did become part of the EU. Their fundamentals and lifestyle are so different from everyone else in Europe that things would just eventualy(sp) clash. We'll just see what happens and then take it from there.
Inge, I agree with those human rights and stuff, but if those would be set right, I don't see a problem. But as long as they violate human rights, it's not an option.

JF, actually in Albania majority are muslims. And Nordic countries are Lutheran, not Catholic.

I know the forever going rivarly with Greece and Turkey will cause problems. But Greece itself was taken to EU even it wasn't so good choise - all the economic problems they had back then, they were just fucked up and still it was decided to take in. But then again, EU isn't about the one country. Too bad, it's mostly ran by the biggest countries: UK, France and Germany.

I hate EU from the bottom of my heart and I feel we were screwed when we joined. It has brought so much misery in our lives that... cannot even imagine. Us being so different from other Europe. One example. Big countries want us to have 1000 wolves. Yeah right, you French evern considered that our wolves are 2 times bigger than your wolves?

But erm... back to the main question. I think Turkey is growing way too fast. Think of the last time? It's way too big, way too many new members too quickly. The only positive thing is stability between European countries. Both World Wars have started here and perhaps EU could prevent the third one.
* face palm* That's right and I'm surprised I forgot about Albania. If you don't mind may I ask what the differences are between the Catholic & Lutheran religion. Is it close to the Orthodox lifestyle or no? Oh, and what is going on between Greece and Turkey is much more then a rivarly. It's been happening since 1800's and maybe even earlier...

When I was in Europe last summer I took a dislike to the whole EU...especially the dollar. The Euro is much more stroger then the Canadian dollar so everything was expensive. I think the Euro eventually takes a toll on tourists like myself. I remember loving it in Croatia because everything was so cheap and reasonable and I also remember all my relatives complaining how they dislike Greece being part of the EU and how they miss the drachma. I think I'll start doing more research on the EU and then compare it to the Canadian lifestyle...
I don't want them to join the EU.. most obvious reason: it's not a friggin' European Country anyway.. it's like the Netherlands decide to become part of Asia (well okay, so not entirely true, but you get the point). Also I'm afraid the borders and immigration-policy will losen up even more here in the Netherlands so that many more Turkish people come in here.. which is fine, don't get me wrong. But honestly, the majority of the Turkish population haven't really been integrating.. keeping their own religion is cool and good, but friggin' start learning the language!!! I mean, Dutch is a language that is becoming extinct in the couple of years because English is taking over, but I don't want Turkish to become our second national language!! Don't get in or learn to integrate!! So that was my rant from the Dutch point of view.