Trivia Game

Well,copyright got different lenghths in different countries and it depends of the category of the work also but if you mean in USA and you mean songs,I think it's 70 years.
Hormiga said:
Well,copyright got different lenghths in different countries and it depends of the category of the work also but if you mean in USA and you mean songs,I think it's 70 years.

YAY!!!! You got it!! *hands you a peice of chocolate cake*
Your turn!
Wow...searching the archives, I came across this Trivia game. So would you like to bring it back to life.

I'll start with a new piece of Trivia.

What rock superstar sired children with Alana Hamilton and Kelly Emberg during the 80's"?
Yay!! Thanks!! :)

Here goes...

How many of Queen Victoria's granddaughters had Victoria as one of their names?
This is really sad, because I've studied Queen Victoria & her kids and I have NO idea what the answer is. :lol:

I'm going to go with all 5 of her daughters... ?