Trivia game

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OMG! It was my first try! :lol:

Now, let me think...

In which episode does Sara say what she did during her first autopsy?

(too easy?)
in down the drain i think? no? it was greg's first autopsy, and sara told him that she threw up in hers.
speaking of autopsies: in what ep does david phillips perform his first autopsy, and what happens?
damn, i can't think of anything at the moment...someone else can have my turn...

i probably won't think of anything until either tomorrow or later tonight, so i'll just wait until next time...
why not? just throw something, even if its easy? tell me if you want me to take it, but i really think that its fair if you go.
oh, ok...i'll think of something, and edit it in in a few minutes...

EDIT: ok, thought of something.

What animal is David allergic to, and which ep is this revealed in?
She had drunk so she used the cough drop to cover the alcohol smell and Nick caught her.

Edit: But it was Brass who actually figured out why.
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