Trivia game

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yes.i take that as the right answer because you described it exactly. the ep is slaves of lv. your turn!!
Sorry guys I was waiting for that person to come back and say I was right so I could take my turn. *shrugs and waddles away*
Alright, this one's pretty easy. What two things did Greg mix together in a solution to prove that the security guard had, in fact, spit on Kristy Hopkins.

"Very Jennifer Lopez" -Greg
sure, the more the merrier. All you have to do is ansewer a question, get it right and it's your turn.
and heres your next question:
which csi is particularily grossed out by saliva and how does he/she deal with trying not to gag?
Okay I got one. In A night at the movies.
What movie was related and was like the Murder Case Cath and Grissom worked on?
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