Trivia game

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Ok, in which epi does Grissom quote himself saying:
“The best intentions are fraught with disappointment”, when talking to Sara?
(same epi we learn about Sara's brother for the first time)
Yay :D . Okay, in what episode do we first get introduced to a trace lab tech? (Prior to this ep we only have the CSIs mentioning what was found in trace or Greggo doing trace)
NO. before hodges there was someone else. i dont know the name. i know that there was an apearance of a day trace guy called dorsey, but before hm there was someone else.
Wasn't it the pilot epi, when Grissom went in the lab to check a print in the database and flirted with the lab tech... Charlotte, i think was her name...or maybe not, i don't know... :D
Umm...that wasn't who I was thinking of, she was the print tech not the trace tech. Keep guessing...

HINT: The trace tech is not Hodges (this is before him)
HINT #2: Yeah, the person I'm thinking of is the Dorsey guy. He appeared in Eleven Angry Jurors, but he is also the trace guy in a much earlier episode, so which one is it???
i went to look it up, and i found out something absolutely unbelievable. he is credited in eleven angry jurrors as mr dorsey, and in chasing the bus, THE SAME actor is credited as vincent doyle.
wibble, i believe that you got it, but we have to wait for prokaryote to be sure :)
Yes, you are correct :) I was watching that ep a couple months ago and I couldn't believe that someone was trace tech before Hodges...
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