Trivia game

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ok this is probably easy for u guys but in which episode do we find out when grissoms birthday is and what is the date of his birthday?
kittyscifi said:
ok this is probably easy for u guys but in which episode do we find out when grissoms birthday is and what is the date of his birthday?
Identity crisis episode 2#13 and his birthday is august 17th.
Name three episodes where toilets are an integral part of the CSI's evidence or where evidence is planted that is or just plian play a role in the case. Wierd question, I know, just something random I thought of.
Not sure about Invisible Evidence, I had Evaluation Day in mind, but two out of three ain't bad! And since you got it first it's your turn!
I know this one had been answered (more or less)but just for information, Cartherine's home was also seen in the episode Weeping Willows.
Now back the our regularly schedualed trivia...
About the toilets: "Invisible evidence", "iced", "4x4", "viva las vegas" "Evaluation Day"

About the CSI's houses:

Sara's apartment: "You've got male" "Nesting Dolls"
Catherine's house: "Pilot" "Sex, lies and larvae", "Weeping Willows"
Grissom's house: "The strip strangler" "Burden of proof"
Nick's house: "The Stalker"
About ariela57's question on toilets, in "Bully for You" Grissom and Warrick investigate a toilet (in a school, where a kid was shot), in the pilot, csi gather evidence (nail) from the suspect's toilet, also in "Stalker", a girl was killed with her head posed on the toilet seat (same as a girl in one of Nick's photos), in "Butterflied" the murder was commited in the bathroom (same happens in Anonymus i think, does it count? ;)).
Finaly, in which epi Greg gets told off by Grissom, because he compromised evidence, having used the crime scene restroom?
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