Trivia game

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ummm, in Cool Change, who does Catherine's beeper check come back to, and who did Sara say that her last 4 beeper cheks came back to?
(if that makes sense)
ok, the game has been dead for 18 hours about. destiny said yesterday that when it dies, i can put it up for grabs. who wants to ask a question?
OK, I've got one.

What show was on the television when the CSIs entered the Stewart household in Episode 5x18 "Spark of Life"?
Damn, didn't think it'd be that easy! :p

Your turn, never_a_promise :)

ETA: For bonus points, what other episode was Aqua Teen Hunger Force featured in? (don't know if this is allowed, but I couldn't resist) :p
Ok easy one cause i'm unable to make up hard ones :lol:

OK in what season and what was the name of the episode in which we first meet Hodges?
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