Trivia Game #2

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4ENSIX said: Warrick shot a 225 out of 300, while Nick shot a 260.
Sinces its been two days I will go ahead and tell you, that you are correct, he shot a 260/300. You're go.
Excluding the current MCSK episodes. Name two episodes in the same season in which the cases went unsolved at least for that season.
Out of curiosity, which ones? I was also thinking of The Execution of Catherine Willows and What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?.

In what episode is a red fingernail a key piece of evidence?
4ENSIX said:
Out of curiosity, which ones? I was also thinking of The Execution of Catherine Willows and What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?.

In the episode Pilot, Paul Milander was never caught, and I don't even think they thought he did it. In Anonymous, he is their prime suspect and he gets away at the end.

The red nail, isn't that from Fannysmackin'?
4ENSIX said:
Out of curiosity, which ones? I was also thinking of The Execution of Catherine Willows and What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?.

For your curiosity I was thinking of The Execution of Catherine Willows and Last Laugh both from season 3.
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