Trivia Game #2

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i believe it 4
greg found near the front porch stair, then greg found another at the car, sara and greg found on the boat and finally sara step on a gum by the dock.
It's actually my turn to post a question.

In the Pilot episode what did the liquor store clerck call herself sarcastically.
that was just on tonight :D she calls herself lesley stall (sp?)

but i was under the impression if the thread (or the name that episode one) were dead for 24 hours someone could post something to keep it going. is that not the case anymore?
no worries, ive just been waiting for a question i could actually answer :lol: i dont pay close enough attention when i watch i guess. ill try and think of something tonight

ok heres an easy one:
what concentration of hydrogen peroxide caused lysis?
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