Trapped tonight

Top41 I agree with you, i think it's one of the best episodes, altought i think RSRD is great as well. And he's just soooo cute when he whines.... wanna hug him! :D
The best scene of the entire episode was when Danny was in that tank top. Those beautiful arms deserve an award just for themselves :devil:.
Yes it was! Fortunate that scene was very long.... :devil:

Oh men, that arms, mmmmm, and the sweaty look *sighs* :rolleyes:
oooh, yes, and just the right amount of dampness from the heat in the room too. <ggl>

The tattoo, that's real, isn't it?
"High" by James Blunt. He also sings "You're Beautiful." I love him!
I can't find the original thread so I drug out this one for a question. Wouldn't there be a problem with Danny's improv tests being inadmissible in court? When Cath did her impromptu processing on LV it was...would Danny's be the same way, despite it not being a rape kit like Cath's?
If Danny was able to document his results and process and store the evidence properly then it likely would stand up in court.

A defence attourney would argue that the tests weren't accurate enough, that's their job. But if Danny could prove that what he'd done gave an accurate result (and no, I can't remember what he did exactly), then it'd be okay.

The biggest difference with Cath was there was no chain of custody going on. No way to prove that the samples she was bringing in were from the crime scene i.e. her. A defence lawyer could have argued that there was no way to know just when and where the evidence had been obtained. Danny wouldn't have had that problem.

At least that would have been my reading of it.
Plus, Danny wasn't doing the tests on himself. Big difference.