Topic Of The Week: Animal Testing - For or Against?

AGAINST-under any circumstances :(heartbreatking and cruel- poor animals who can't protect themselves- the only testing I'd be for is on rats- the scum and scourge of the earth- who serve no purpose- :(
i am against animal testing.

who's to say that humans are better than any other animal on this planet? who's to say that poor innocent animals should be tested on for a human's benifit? it's the most selfish thing a human could do! if we want something tested then we should test it on ourselves and see how we like it rather than having no regard for the life of other 'insignificant' animals...
drkate said:
i am against animal testing.

who's to say that humans are better than any other animal on this planet? who's to say that poor innocent animals should be tested on for a human's benifit? it's the most selfish thing a human could do! if we want something tested then we should test it on ourselves and see how we like it rather than having no regard for the life of other 'insignificant' animals...

I totally agree w/ you.
I just can't stand that people use animals to know if a new parfum or something is good or harmful. And animals are the only creatures which can't stick up to people, and it's the most ignominious thing I've ever known. :mad:
Un-tacking, though any further comments are welcome :)

This week's topic may be a little late - it's something I heard on the news this morning but I can't find an actual article that describes it :( Well, I keep searching :p
just bringing this back because theres been an important advancement i think people should know about. it was all over the radio yesturday here, but they have cured type 1 diabetes in mice. and a few more years of testing they will be able to perfect treatment for people.
there have also been ground breaking steps working with adult stem cells and curing macular degeneration (blindness) in mice.
i think a lot of people are misinfomed about animal testing and dont know just how important it is. the animals arent tortured and they arent living in horrible conditions. look at everything we have in the medical field, all the technologies and advancements, take 90% of that away and thats where wed be without animal testing. just some food for thought.