Too much ship on the tv?

I wouldn't mind it if they all had a partner, only outside the lab and not mentioned every other minute. The Stella/Frankie relationship worked perfectly well for me until he tried to kill her, that is. But until then, we knew he existed and he appeared here and there without Stella being all "Frankie this, Frankie that. By the way, did I tell you that Frankie...?"

F/A isn't bad either. What a waste of potential. And D/L is simply... *sigh* I wonder how (if?) they're gonna try and fix it.

Yeah, but is TPTB capable of creating such relationships without making it into some huge drama (for example, Frankie and Stella)? :lol:
Yeah, but is TPTB capable of creating such relationships without making it into some huge drama (for example, Frankie and Stella)? :lol:
Sadly, I don't think so. I ship Smacked, I always have, but I liked Stella/Frankie because I thought it was the confirmation that main characters can have normal, healthy relationships outside the office. Alas, I was mistaken. Why can't they have relationships with people they don't meet at work and that are not dysfunctional? *sigh* I am asking for too much, aren't I?
^ According to TPTB, you are asking for too much. I mean, of course all relationships must occur in the office... it's not possible otherwise. :rolleyes:
Mentions of Adam/Hawkes all over the forum?

It's like a Christmas present every time I open a thread.

I feel so loved. :adore: