This Home Is 'Dead Inside'

CSI Files

One old house holds a deadly secret.<p>According to CSI Files sources, the seventh episode of <I>CSI: New York</I> will be called "Dead Inside". A man's body is found inside of a Victorian house that is being physically moved from Staten Island to the Upper East Side. The victim is Kevin McCreedy. He is the owner of the relocation company in charge of getting the house from point A to point B.<p>Detective Angell talks to Kevin's secretary, Rita, who came to see why the house was taken on a detour to a dock to be processed. She is shocked that her boss is dead and says she saw him the day before, when she dropped off some paperwork. Detective Flack gets nothing from his canvass of the neighborhood--nobody says they saw anything strange except for the house being transported down the street. Angell surprises Flack by telling him that she met someone: his sister, Samantha.<p>In the morgue, Sid processes the body. Kevin was bludgeoned in the face with a blunt object. He also has scratch marks on his arms. When Sid washes the blood from Kevin's hands, he finds a scrap of card stock in the man's palm. Once he is finished, Sid covers the body and waits for Kevin's family to come identify him.<p>Mac brings Kevin's wife and daughter in. Annie is in shock, refusing to believe that her husband could really be dead. Lauren offers to make the identification in her mother's place. Mac asks her if there are any identifying scars or tattoos that they could use to confirm that it is Kevin. Lauren remembers a scar on her father's index finger, and Mac pulls his arm out and locates the scar in question. This is definitely Kevin McCreedy. Lauren correctly guesses that Mac offered to identify the body based on the scar so that they would not have to see his face--he doesn't want them to see their husband and father with his face smashed in.<p>Danny is able to identify their murder weapon: a pretty common type of hammer. DNA leads the team to a stoner, Tanor, who claims he broke into the house because it looked abandoned and passed out upstairs. He says he woke up when the house was moving and then jumped off the porch and took off through a line of stopped traffic. Stella locates a flaw in Tanor's story when she finds out he has a connection to the house--and that he bought a hammer just like the murder weapon. The scratches on Kevin's arms connect him to his secretary, Rita, who claims she accidentally scratched her boss when she broke a heel and he reached out to keep her from falling down the stairs.<p>The piece of card stock found in Kevin McCreedy's palm is from a postcard with a QR code on it. Flack recognizes the design--he saw a stack of those postcards at the bar where his sister works. He and Lindsay go to the bar to collect a postcard for comparison, and Flack finds out some surprising news: his sister was fired from her job several weeks before. The bartender, Bill, explains that she knocked a few too many back during her shift, so they let her go--but she still stops by to have a drink. On their way out, Lindsay and Flack run into Samantha. When Flack asks why she's there, Samantha reminds him that this is where she works.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "Dead Inside" is expected to air November 12 on CBS.<center></center>
Sounds interesting. :) I'm loving Sam Flack. I wonder how Don will react to the news that Angell has met his sister? And it seems that perhaps Sam has a drinking problem? There could be some very intense scenes between the two Flack siblings coming up.
Ooooo.... Flack family drama AND Flack/Angell fun! Can you say "Best idea EVER"? XD