Things that annoy you

things that annoy you

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From your poll: Snakes scare the heck out of me, the other three annoy me.

Another big annoyance is when people confuse similar words - i.e. their, they're & there; loose & lose; chose & choose; your & you're; etc. It makes me want to scream!
Cockroaches, spiders, worms, millipedes, centipedes, in general, I don't like bugs. I'm getting goosebumps just writing these kind of insects.:eek:
Well I hate spiders!

Lets see as far as fears go. I've got a little to many :( :

Bees/Wasps/Hornets-scare me having gotten stung by one when I was little kind of does that to me.

Heights-Anything higher then ten feet and I get really dizzy and wont move so high dives and rock wall climbing very big no! Stupid gym teacher actually made me climb a rock wall and I wouldn't move at a certain point.

Dark and Small Spaces-Not as bad as long as I can spread my arms out and still have room I'm fine and if I can see I'm still fine. But if its to small or if its dark I get a little to panicked.
That toilet paper commercial where the bears have lint hanging off their rear ends (are we allowed to say @$$?)

Drunk dialers

Tea Party members (in Arizona we used to call them Mechamites after an impeached governor)
Things that annoy me

- stuck up snobs who thank they are so amazing because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and have never worked for anything in their life

- homophobes,racist,sexists, etc..

- girls who massive argument about nothing and split up a group of best friends

- having to chose in an argument, no matter who you choose it is never going to end well for you

- bullies

-people who speak like they are texting. I know your a teenager but you do know how to speak english!!!!

-people who think its ok to just sit back and do no work and then moan about not getting a good result ( to be fair i have done this more than once:lol: but it still annoys me)
I dislike all of the things from the poll but I voted for spiders because I hate and fear them with a passion.

I'm petrified of birds though, specifically pigeons. Vile, disgusting creatures.

As for what annoys me, there is quite the list but I'm going to go with one particular pet peeve of mine which is bad manners! How hard is it to say please and thank-you? Not very. Manners don't cost anything. By the same token, how hard is it to say excuse me?! There is no excuse for being rude.
I dislike all of the things from the poll but I voted for spiders because I hate and fear them with a passion.

I'm petrified of birds though, specifically pigeons. Vile, disgusting creatures.

As for what annoys me, there is quite the list but I'm going to go with one particular pet peeve of mine which is bad manners! How hard is it to say please and thank-you? Not very. Manners don't cost anything. By the same token, how hard is it to say excuse me?! There is no excuse for being rude.

Recently I was at the grocery store when someone behind me snarled "Get out of the way!" It was a teenage girl whose mother stood smirking behind her.
[LEFT said:
Vickyyy[/LEFT];1069399]I dislike all of the things from the poll but I voted for spiders because I hate and fear them with a passion.

I'm petrified of birds though, specifically pigeons. Vile, disgusting creatures.

As for what annoys me, there is quite the list but I'm going to go with one particular pet peeve of mine which is bad manners! How hard is it to say please and thank-you? Not very. Manners don't cost anything. By the same token, how hard is it to say excuse me?! There is no excuse for being rude.

Recently I was at the grocery store when someone behind me snarled "Get out of the way!" It was a teenage girl whose mother stood smirking behind her.

So rude and
! I really don't get people sometimes.
that is just rude, bad manners are a pet peeve of mine, i'm a teenage girl and i wouldn't do that. clearly that girl's parents didn't bring her up properly. :shifty:
Things that annoy me:
1. When you see a commercial for "the new miracle drug" and then 2 months later see another commercial claiming that the miracle drug could result in heart attacks, uncontrollable bleeding, and death. That rocks.
2. When people smoke near babies or young children. They shouldn't have to be exposed to that. Have some respect.
3. People think that just because I listen to electronica and dance music that I have been to raves or club all night. I don't do that sort of stuff.
When you always talk to a friend about their problems and when you walk to talk to them about yours, they couldn't care less. It's called "being a friend". A lot of people could learn from this.
*clears throat*

  • Sexist people. Men or women. We're all in this together, get over it.
  • Snobs/People who think they can get away with anything just because they are the supervisor's favorite.
  • Unprofessional teachers, like the supervisor for my school's study hall. You act like a twelve year old. You snap at people for no reason, and lie to everyone. You pick favorites. Grow the hell up.
  • 'To Cool For You' people. Again. Grow up. You are no better than anyone else.
  • Parents who hurt their children. This includes spanking. Parents who call their kids worthless and tell them they are stupid. And then, you wonder why they struggle in school?
  • Air tight containers that stick. lol