Things that annoy you

things that annoy you

  • Total voters


This thread is a way to show what annoys/scares you the most

if there is something else that annoys/scares you post it here

please post anything that annoys/scares you even if it is not on the poll
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Well, I'm terrified of anything with more than four legs. I had a bad experience when I was a child involving cockaroaches, so the quickest way to get me to scream like a little girl is to have a bug crawl on me.

As far as other things go that annoy me, the biggest pet peeve of mine is willfull ignorance, a la prejudice, racism and homophobia. People are people, and ain't nobody better than anyone else.
Em...well out of the list I would say millipedes... they are eww...

I mean spiders I don't like either but I can handle them kinda... and playing video games where you fight giant spiders kind of helps me not think of them as totally gross cause I could just beat them up...

Snakes I don't like I think they are evil >:3

Rats....I don't hate rats, they are adorable aren't they?

I've always been afraid of clowns, I don't know why. However I am not as bad as I used to be, as since video games. All I must remember is be strong and if an evil clown meets me, it will see my wrath >:3 :borg:

Here's a basic list of things that annoy me. this stuff grinds mah gears and unicycle tires!

1.I hate commercials on tv that are for restaraunts that aren't near you whatsoever.
2.People that talk too loud while talking on phones in public places.
3.Those commercials on tv about erectile disfunctions. They bother me, especially the ones from enzyte. Becuse the guy has a really creepy grin.
5. Shocksites
6. People who cough without covering thier mouth.
7. Clowns, but not jesters.
8. People who find it disturbing when I put a picture of two dudes kissing on facebook, I mean come on!
9. Final fantasy 7 and it's popularity. ( I hate that game!)
10. All the craze of COD Modern Warfare 2.
11. Modern warfare 2.
12. Twlight
13. Twilight Fans (some of them, not everybody.)
15. lady gaga haters.. you know if she was a man then things will be even better for me a her! KAy
16. people who hate...
17. peolpe who curse too much..
18. people who have an issue with guy on guy image or girl on girl image . food restuarants when they screw up your order!
20. People who want to legalize Mary jane..
21. moms suing their kids because of whatever
22.This is probabally only me, but I hate it when someone says "*sigh* or "Meh" on a forum.
23. People who think being gay is a choice.
24. People who can't except change.
25. People who say they are fine with homosexuals as long as they don't hit on them, that really pisses me off! They find you attractive so they ask you out! Big whoop! instead of being a homophobe be honored that they thought of you in that way!
26. People who belive that homosexuality is wrong and that it's unatural. It isn't wrong, it is totally natural. It's just like yin and yang, there's straight and gay.
27. Some of the things in the bible, if it weren't for the bible things would be different. Now I belive in the ten comandments and stuff but I don't belive for one second that you could go to hell all becuase your gay. God loves everyone and is not going to send you to hell if your gay. If there wasn't supposed to be gay people then they wouldn't exist! and it would not be possible.
28. People against Gay rights. Gays are people too! Gender doesn't matter love does!
29. People who smoke in public, like a bus stop.
30. Verizon the company, they are evil. They sell all of your personal information and cheat you out of money, they also don't allow you to put images or anything else from your phone onto your computer and vice versa.
31. Women/girls who complain that someone they like is gay. It's really annoying, I mean what about gay guys? they like guys they can't have and you don't hear them complaining! Same for straight guys with lesbians and lesbians with straight women. Nobody complains to my knowledge but straight women, it's very annoying.

Ps. is 23-28 kind of like just saying homophobes homophobes homophobes? Becuase someone was telling me that on another forum.
Also 12-13 & 15-21 I didn't make up, it was someone else's what annoys them and I agree with it so I added it to mine xD
I voted for millipedes, which of course, would include centipedes. UGH, with all those legs? :wtf: They're just creepy.

Otherwise, it would be spiders. I hate spiders, though I don't right kill them anymore, like I did before. So I must be getting better. Ok, the very small ones I can handle, however, the big hairy wolf spiders? Get them away from me. :wtf: My mom thinks it's funny that I seem to always sense a spider in the room. I can be at her house, watching TV, and I'll just look at the ceiling or something and there will be a spider. :lol:

Rats don't bother me, snakes do. Don't want to see. Nope, I don't. In a zoo, in a cage, fine. Other than that? NO.

Other things that annoy me:

- people who call you a homophobe because you don't think an actor is gay and they do, which leads me to:

- people who think an actor is gay and they're right, you're wrong and if they say he's gay, then he's gay

- people (referring to the ones above) who bash you all over other sites, because you don't agree with them, challenge what the say and make up lies about you

- homophobia, racism, etc. etc.

- people against the rights of others. Who are you to say I can or cannot do something or if two men or two women want to marry each other, let them.

- pro-lifers. Stop worrying about the children that don't make it into this world and start taking care of the ones that are already here

- Catholic religion and all non-earth based religions. I'm a recovering catholic. Let's face it, religion has caused about 98% of the problems in this world.

- Political correctness. Now some words and/or phrases are a given, however, pretty soon you won't be able to say NOTHING without offending someone. :rolleyes: Get over yourselves. Let it bother you and you let it take all the power away from you. Remember: sticks and stones

- My boss, well one of them anyways. (won't be my boss for much longer :thumbsup:)

- Radio stations that play a song they just played 5 minutes ago.

- Cliffhangers :scream:

- Most reality TV shows

- The Bachelor - ladies you must not think much of yourselves to compete for the affection of man :rolleyes: that will probably dump you anyways. :rolleyes: Any man you have to compete for, is NOT worth it. Vice versa for the Bachelorette

- Republicans

- Conversatives

- Clowns. just don't like them anymore. They really are just creepy, aren't they? :wtf:

- When I just put something down, and then a few seconds later, can't remember where I put it. :rolleyes:

- Parents who don't discipline their bratty child

- AT&T you overprice idiots! I hardly use my phone, but you don't have a damn plan for that do you? Nope!

Ok, I'm sure there are a lot more.
Snakes annoy me, so do rats only cause I have to go find something to capture or kill them with. then there is the catching them part really annoys me, but nothing that scares me.
Should have had the options of
Other Things (You post)
All of the Above
None of The above

But too late. :lol:
snakes really bother me . but so do spiders since i am ery allergic to them. other things that annoy are people who say they are going to do one thing and then so something completely different.
Snakes annoy me, so do rats only cause I have to go find something to capture or kill them with. then there is the catching them part really annoys me, but nothing that scares me.
Should have had the options of
Other Things (You post)
All of the Above
None of The above

But too late. :lol:

Well I actually saw this posted on another forum and these are the most common fears/annoyances but if something else bothers you post it its an open forum don't hesitate
only two kinds of creatures really annoy me: any with 6 legs, or any with 2 legs (excluding birds). if you're a flying insect or a human, chances are you'll bother me at some point!

edit, actually, include birds - specifically urban pigeons: the scourge of city dwellers. vile vile things. but possibly more bearable than most people ;)
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I voted for rats, that's one animal that annoys me.

Some other annoyances:
- Flies, especially the ones that make it a habit to constantly fly around your head.
- People that can't take a joke/sarcasm and get mad when you use either.
- People who ruin a movie/tv show before you get a chance to watch :(
- People who don't answer when I call them, especially if it was the other way around they would expect for me to answer on the first ring etc etc
You know what annoys me? And it's something that I'm getting so sick of that I want to punch a wall. :lol: It's when you go to a site like (there are others that do it too, but this is the major one) and you're trying to read a fic and then all of a sudden the page changes to some kind of ad. Ugh! Why can't they just have the ads on the sides of the page, the top and the bottom of the page? Why do they have to change the whole page? And when you click on "close ad", it changes the font size and stuff of the fic you were reading... at least it does on my computer. Or not the font size, but the page size to where you have scroll from size to side rather than just top to bottom. It's really irritating.
No animal on that list annoy me. I love rats, don't mind spiders or millipedes. Although I am no big fan of snakes, some of them really scare me, they don't annoy me at all.

Things that annoys me:

* News reports on tv and in newspapers where they mention where they mention something although this has no relevance whatsoever.

* Newspaper articles where they give the impression that a new crisis is looming, even though the facts, problems and ways to solve it have been known and discussed for decades

* People who'll use the phrase, "I'm sorry, but..." in an argument when they're not sorry at all. And will also carry on arguing their point of view while completely ignoring what you're saying. Could also add following: How people say "No offence, but..." or "I'm sorry, but..." when it's clear they are insulting/offending someone!

* How people recoil at any food they have never tasted, and an automatic "Ewwwww" without even trying different foods!

* When people do not take you seriously, or do not think that a problem that is really important to you doesn't amount to much thought.

* Friends who have a go at you because you're panicking about an exam and say 'you know you're going to get an A* so why rub it in?'

* People who blow up at the slightest thing just for the sake of drama
O.K. I have found a new annoyance FLOODS I just remodeled my basement and it is already ruined I have three quarters of an inch of water already because of the rain I am so mad I want to just demolish my property and put it back on stilts

When I started this thread I wanted to know peoples fears mostly because I found on another thread I belong to fears people have PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to add to the list I was just covering the basics I have many fears

-walking under construction on a building (Downtown Chicago is full of them -upgrades)
- watching horror movies( I will sleep with the lights on after watching one I am convinced the "demon" is after me (pathetic I know
- homeless people because they are desperate for money they sometimes don't leave people alone and will injure them
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^ ergh poor you :( the thing that annoys me at the moment is london's antiquated sewer system. my house is over the end of a sewer and someone else up the street has blocked it, which means my garden is now a cess pool. mmmm.
^ ergh poor you :( the thing that annoys me at the moment is london's antiquated sewer system. my house is over the end of a sewer and someone else up the street has blocked it, which means my garden is now a cess pool. mmmm.

sorry to hear that I feel for you my neighbor has her sprinklers on 24/7 and I have a flooded yard all mud:(