The 'What I Learned Today' Thread

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~Queen of Sarcasm~
They say you learn something new every day.

Perhaps you've found the answer to the age old question, "Why is the sky blue?", or maybe you've discovered what that extra button on your microwave is for. Maybe a co-worker has given you some useless trivia that you just have to pass on.

From the mundane to the profound, to the bizarre. Tell us what you've learned today!


Today I learned:
- I went to elementary (or primary or grade) school with my boss's son :eek:
- When you plug headphones into your iPod, it automatically turns on. You you pull them out, it automatically turns off. Very handy for when you drop it *is guilty*
- Filling out a passport application form is very tedious.
- Siblings can be really annoying. No, wait, I already knew that... :p
- I found out some new songs from csi miami
- I found out when almost being better of the flue and then have a night of 1,5 hours of sleep can turn things around again
- I found out that Linkin Park is almost releasing a new album
- I found out that my passport is almost overdue... tnx dragonflydreamer for that!
I learnt there's a city called Nariz, which means Nose, in Portugal.
I found out that wait for someone that will arrive in a bus can be so boring, especially when you are really looking forward for that to happen!
I learned that:
- I don't like snow
- Chemistry is boring
- getting books for free is great
- that yesterday was National Popcorn Day
What I learned today:
- playing guitar makes your fingers hurt terribly
- playing guitar is awesome
- Taylor Swift and I have the same age. I seriously thought she was at least 20.
My friend that lives in calgary told me that the C train is with a C not "sea train" haha, ive always thought it was sea. So i guess i did learn something!
I learned:
-You can't trust everyone
-People lie for no reason
-People are very judgemental
-My sisters allergic to Advil
-When I'm hungry, I shake a lot
I learned:

-Nobody's trust worthy.
-Everyone has off days.
-What my uniform looks like.
-People screw eachother over all the time, that's life.
Ok seriously... I'm sorry but I see that it's pointless to write these "I learnt that coffee is hot"

So if it's something really really new that you didn't know before, then post it.

Otherwise, nono and this thread will get a nice and shiny padlock
i learned that if you watch too much CSI: Miami you...WAIT A MINUTE?!?!?!? is that even POSSIBLE!?!?!?! i didn't think really...what i learned today is that i can touch my heel when i reach over my foot to stretch with my knee flat on the ground......i also learned that i've seen some episodes of CSI: Miami so many times that when they come on i can mouth every word exactly on cue......
I learned....
-That that newport is a real place. lol i was playing the geopgrapgy game and it was n so i was like ummm newport??? and they said yes. I thought i was making it up but i guess not.
I learned never volunteer for a two hour drive a week ahead of time. You never know what Mother Nature is going to do.

I learned that
-even people who look very calm and in control are just as much of a mess as you are.
-light we see from the observable universe is millions of years old. In other words, the rest of the universe could be in peril now and we wouldn't now it.
-what high school I will be attending. (Well I didn't know what to choose before :lol:)
BTW Great thread! :D
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