miss_blue Lab Technician Apr 10, 2008 #557 caridad and div I'm glad you decided to join us! Feel free to browse around and state your opinions, everyone here loves great discussions!
caridad and div I'm glad you decided to join us! Feel free to browse around and state your opinions, everyone here loves great discussions!
WP_Rocks_MY_World CSI Level Three Apr 10, 2008 #560 Thanks for the welcome! Now, I just need to catch up on the NY episodes. Gooooo Rockies! Gooooo Cubbies! ---------------------
Thanks for the welcome! Now, I just need to catch up on the NY episodes. Gooooo Rockies! Gooooo Cubbies! ---------------------
Top41 Administrator Administrator Moderator Premium Member Apr 11, 2008 #561 Welcome, cariad and div! Great to have you both here!
origin-nknwn Rookie Apr 12, 2008 #562 I just thought I'd wave and say 'hi' to everyone. New here...fandom and internet old-timer. I totally forget sometimes that it's a good idea to introduce yourself when you join someplace new...
I just thought I'd wave and say 'hi' to everyone. New here...fandom and internet old-timer. I totally forget sometimes that it's a good idea to introduce yourself when you join someplace new...
nattybatty55 Nadalaholic Apr 12, 2008 #563 Hey there origin-nknwn (love the name ) You'll love it here
WhosLaughingNow Lab Technician Apr 13, 2008 #566 I haven't been here in a while so I'm just gonna say Welcome to all the newbies :thumbsup:
miss_blue Lab Technician Apr 13, 2008 #568 Welcome origin-nknwn! I like your style! We'll see (read) you around the NY board! Have fun!
Top41 Administrator Administrator Moderator Premium Member Apr 14, 2008 #570 Welcome origin-nknwn! Glad to have you here!