The Warm Welcome Thread

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Hi everyone. Well as I said in the general welcome thread, while I've visited this site before, i only just became a member.

CSI NY is by far my favorite incarnation of the show and I have to say my all-time top characters are Stella and Danny
I'm following you, it seems. :lol: Welcome to the forum, Macavity, it's always nice to have new faces--or, uh, new screennames--around. ;)
^ Welcom Macavity! Cool username! Sounds like the cat from the musical Cats, the evil one with the cool glasses and the sticky uppy hair! Wicked!
Welcome Macavity! :D I like your username as well. Glad you decided to join us! :)
:lol: Yes it appears you are Faylinn. Thanks guys I feel so welcome and yes Macavity is the evil cat from Cats, whose actually based off of the "napolean of crime" himself, Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes' nemesis :p
Hello people. :D I'm not really a newbie to the boards, but I'm a newbie to watching CSI:NY... I have only started watching in the past 2 or 3 weeks, and I'm really enjoying it, my fave characters are Flack, Danny and Lindsay. :D Oh and I'm Steph btw. :D
Hi :)
Im new!
It sort of feels like the first day at school...
Love to chat about it
So I decided to join here
Its Jess or 'SomethinSomethin' - (Danny-Ism lol)
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