The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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Welcome CSInut! :D By the way, I like your username :lol: My sister think I'm a CSI nut because every time she calls, I'm watching reruns of CSI:NY on SpikeTV, and then there's the CSI:NY Weekends... yeah, I got no life... :(
Have any favourite characters? Shipping? :D

Hey Cyn-B-Demented

Yeah yeah i found that site and a few others :thumbsup: thanks tho really nice of ya. My new best friend of a few months is youtube an those sites.

I can't wait for season 6 also but it's so scary think ill feel alot better when spoilers start coming out (filming starts july?) that cliffy did nothing for my D/L obsession :confused:

ps. i'm going to find my larges mug and fill it with coffee and go on a post mission 50 post's in two weeks?? see if i can do it in 2 days lol

Hahaha, yeah, there's a lot of great fan vid on YouTube! I still haven't read any fanfiction yet. I'm not a big reader of fanfiction but when someone knows how to write, why not? :p

Oh, I can't wait for the spoilers too!!! I'm anxious about what will unfold with the cliffhanger... I don't want my favorite characters to die :( and this Kaye situation is intriguing. Not sure if it's in a good way or not lol I guess the actress they choose will make me feel better? I'm still waiting for a name to come out lol

Hahaha good luck on the 50 posts in 2 days!!! How many yet? :lol: I tried to do the same but had to surrender. And I'm sure I'll forget about the 50 posts and think of adding my avatar a year from now... :shifty: lol
Hahaha good luck on the 50 posts in 2 days!!! How many yet? :lol:

i did 21 or 22 in 2 days :( i failed lol but only signed up sunday so i'm not doing bad lol might have it done in about a week.

Oh, I can't wait for the spoilers too!!! I'm anxious about what will unfold with the cliffhanger... I don't want my favorite characters to die :( and this Kaye situation is intriguing. Not sure if it's in a good way or not lol I guess the actress they choose will make me feel better? I'm still waiting for a name to come out lol

tell me about it but what i just read in spoiler page is helping :) i'm so impatient can't wait for anything and it's a good job we don't get it back til January in the UK thats like forever away
Welcome CSInut! :D By the way, I like your username :lol: My sister think I'm a CSI nut because every time she calls, I'm watching reruns of CSI:NY on SpikeTV, and then there's the CSI:NY Weekends... yeah, I got no life... :(
Have any favourite characters? Shipping? :D

Thanks Cyn-B-Demented. I had several options for the surname but they were all too long. My favorite was : Serious nutcase at 10 pm, but...

I dont have a favourite character. I like'em all. But i really enjoy the dynamics between certain characters. I really like Stella and Lindsay when they work together. I really enjoy Mac and Adam ( the experienced and the newbie), altho Adam nervoussness is starting to annoy. Hawkes and Danny have a great rapport. i think Flack and Lindsay always come up with something hilariouos to throw at us. So i guess i'm always happy.

I did ship for other shows, but i haven't for csiny yet.

By the way, I live in Montreal, too.
Welcome to the nut house, csinynut. Yes, we all are a bit crazy, devoted, addicted, and just plain nuts about the CSI shows here on this board. Some times you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't. (Aww, now I'll have this song in my head all day.)

Just a reminder: instead of double posting, which is against board rules, next time you can hit the EDIT button to add more content to the previous post. I know you want to get to 50 posts quickly, but you still won't be able to have an avatar until two weeks after joining.

I'M smilling cause...its payday...ya know
Did you read the rule about newbies buying the other board members a round of pizza? (Just kidding.)
Eh sorry about the double posting. I guess i skipped over that part.

I'm not really a pizza guy. Anyone for sushis ? :drool:
Hi all, been lurking on here for a few months and decided to finally join so that I could share in the conversations.

Am a huge CSI NY fan (don't watch the other two). I'd been watching season 5 all by myself (before discovering this site) and getting so angry with the direction they were taking with the whole D/L baby drama, ugh! It was great to come here and realise that I wasn't the only fan having constant breakdowns at the tv :)

I'm a Danny/Flack/Adam fan, and I loved Angel, so hopefully this new female CSI they're bringing on will be somebody kick-ass. Can't wait to debate with everybody when the new season starts. Bring on September!
Hello everyone! I'm new here...just found this site a little while ago. Can't wait to get in on the conversations :) I'm not much of a shipper, but there seem to be lots of other discussions I can get in on!
I just discovered CSI NY this year, but I've been making up for lost time. I've already watched all 4 previous seasons on DVD, and I've seen all the new episodes since about January or so. I'm looking forward to this summer so I can catch up on the episodes that I've missed.
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