The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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Welcome to our newcomers! I hope you enjoy your visits here. I know I do. Everyone here is great, and we are thrilled to see new fans join us!!!
Welcome to the forum, Jessie2810, csi Tazz and meeyka! Great to have you guys here. :D
Hi Folks

I'm a long time follower of CSI and since retiring last Feb, have watched all of CSI NY, which became an obsession. My favourite characters were Nick and Danny (then Adam), I get protective over the little lost boy types.

I lurked for a couple of months, wary of joining in, until I really needed to comment on this weeks episode. None of my friends and family watch online and I have to bite my tongue so as not to give anything away.

I'm quite nosy and very out of touch, it took me ages to figure out what you meant by 'ship', I thought it was something to do with a 'love boat' type reference. So just a quick question, if that's ok. I'm a civilian, what does that mean? An avatar is a picture?, I thought that was what Adam was helping Mac be last season. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick, my brain's been chemo'd and doesn't hold onto much info now. :)
Welcome fm62 :)
Glad you decided to join us.

The civilian thing is just a title you recieve that corresponds to the number of posts you have, that's why there's a lot of different ones.
And yes, an avatar is a picture ;)
Welcome to the forum, fm62 - I'm glad you decided to de-lurk.

The civilian thing is just a title you recieve that corresponds to the number of posts you have, that's why there's a lot of different ones.
Also, some people have custom titles - moderators, administrators and premium members - so that's why some of us have titles that are different/wacky/personalized.

An avatar can be 3D (like in Second Life) or it can be a picture like we have on here. Once you've been here two weeks and made 50 posts (I think those are the new rules, right guys?), you can have one of your own. :)
Hey everybody,

I am pretty new to the awesomness that's CSI:NY! I've watched it sporadically from S1 and found it pretty good. But since I've seen DOA for a day I am downright obsessed, not only with the show but with a certain head of lab too. :adore:

And after a long time of lurking here, I've finally decided to un-lurk and join the fun! :D

Sooo... "Hi" :)
Welcome fm62 and Jo_Ri! :D Great to have you here.

I'm a long time follower of CSI and since retiring last Feb, have watched all of CSI NY, which became an obsession. My favourite characters were Nick and Danny (then Adam), I get protective over the little lost boy types.

Those are my favorites, too!

I'm quite nosy and very out of touch, it took me ages to figure out what you meant by 'ship', I thought it was something to do with a 'love boat' type reference.

Way, way, way back when I first ventured onto bulletin boards, it took me a while to catch on to that one, too. :lol:
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