The Wallpaper Thread #4

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There's so much great walls around here. Always a pleasure to check this thread.

I was wondering, could any of you talented people make a Sara/Sofia wall for me?
I don't have great demands, neither about which pics to use nor what text or effects you put in. Though I'd prefer a cocky and cool vibe to angst/darkness.
Thanks in advance to those willing to give it a shot.
Wow so much talent in here. It would take me a week just to comment on them all. :eek:

Keep up the wonderful job guys, they're excellent! :)
Thanks t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr . We have the same desktop now, cause that one's on mine too.

Great first try Lynsey_Monroe
Wow Lynsey_Monroe if this is your first try... You're gonna be just an amazing wp maker!! That wp is awesome!! Hope to see more soon!
Lots of love!!
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