The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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Nice walls csi_fans_uk! I like the last one. And Polina, your wall abour Horatio and Yelina is awsome!

Thank you all for your reviews!
Polina great wp! Love it! (Of course, Horatio is in it... ;) )And love yours too, csi_fan_uk ! Especially love the Sara&Grissom ones!
I made 2 of Horatio today... Don't like them much... I'm not very creative this days... :( but hope you like them anyway...
And also made one for you, calleighspeedle
Hope you like it!
Lots of love!

Pics from David caruso online and Jon Togo Online, and textures from (great web, eh? :p ).
Those are wonderful wallpapers csi_fan_uk :D I really liked the Gumdrops ones. :)

t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr, those are beautiful wallpapers!! :eek: You're extremely talented. :)
Aiden_Burn said:

I'll make it for you, but the pictures are too small, i'll give it a try with them that size, but if you could find slightly bigger versions then that would be great.

Any preference on the size of it.

Hey Sorry about that, i made it when i last posted that message, but forgott to post the wallpaper lol. Here it is, hope you like it, and i'm not sure if you still want it or if anyone else has already made it for you but never mind. Oh and sorry i didn't put on it the text you wanted.

Hey , thank you very much for your opinions, it` s where I get my inspiration (and, of course, from Miami )

all of your works are superb

I especially like

csi_fan_uk ` s two Butterflies

and t0g0SzMaNdAL0vErm your Horatio is so cool and sweet and ... AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please do more :)

Aiden_Burn I like your very much

yours , p3karen, too though I haven` t seen New York yet
Love everyone's wallpapers, and thanks for the comments on my wallpaper, i wasn't sure about it at first but i'm slowly coming round to it. If anyone wants a wallpaper made i'd be happy to, i'm so bored, and i've got Paint Shop Pro open so.
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