The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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awesome wallpapers everyone.. i would make one, but i am grounded at the moment so i have no time, my momm went fod shopping so this is my only time on the comp... she'll be backk in like 5 minutes, ahh!! ;)
CalleighSaraCSI said:
speedmonkey2, i love the Calleigh walls..they are so prettyful =]

Aww, thanks. I'm glad you like them. I was in the mood to make them last night. And I actually liked them. And then my dad starting yelling at me last night to get off the computer so I went back this morning to make some more and I didn't like a single one of them. So dang my dad for runing my muse. lol. I'm sure i'll have some more later though...and ones that aren't Calleigh/Emily lol.
WOW! All the wallpapers here are fantastic! I hope none of u mind that I have saved them to my computer so I can have them as my screensaver. Keep up all the fantastic work I'll be sure to keep looking in.

1881 said:
Hi, could somebody make me a Ryan/Jonathan wallpaper with these images?
Image #1
Image #2

It can be both or one or the other, I don't mind. My screen resolution is 1024x768. Images were taken from Jonathan Togo online, as you can see.

Thanks very much in advance!!! :D

Hey Rach, i've made you one as well, but you didn't say anything about wanting text or not so i put some on, ah well never mind. Anyway hope you like it, i'm not really sure about it to be honest......but i hope you like it and if you do that's the main thing, makes me happy. And anytime you need me to make you more wallpapers give me a shout.

Ah when it comes to making wallpapers i'm crap at blending but with banners i've no problem.
Lovely wallpapers, everyone.

I just tried to make a Jorja/Sara one, but my photoshop suddenly closed itsself. So I'll try to make it again, later.
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