The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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GSRGeeklover I like the colors in your last wp very much

CalleighDuCaine said:
CalleighSaraCSI said:
wow everyone such beautiful wallpapers! can anyone make me a sara & calleigh wall? i dont have any pics at the moment but if u need any just tell me =] thanks in advance

Ditto! I'd like one too! :cool:

Voila: Emily and Jorja...

...or Calleigh and Sara

omgosh thank you soo much Chez !!!
Mack , your wallpaper is quite lovely
Dingbat , the Ryan wall is very hot...he makes my blood boil :devil:
I've got a few requests:
- CSI (LV) team
- Grissom
- Grissom, Warrick, Nick & Greg

Many thanks!! :)
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