The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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WOW cofi shot those wallpapers are great i took the George, Eddie and gary one's there wicked, i'll give Credit when used cause their ACE!
I just downloaded this Paint Shop pro program and thought id make a quick wallpaper it isn't good, it might just be me but i don't think the program is very good, it dont have many textures, it might be me i'm not used to this program if anyone noes of of any tutorials for this program ill be grateful for some good job i found my CD for Adobe photoshop!
ll Wallpaper

Wallpaper 2
Okay, I'm bored and have PSP open so, who wants a wallpaper?

I'm taking requests but not for long. Just a couple. And if you want Danny say Danny, not Carmine because otherwise I'll be searching for the wrong kind of pictures.
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