The thankful thread! :)


CSI Level Two
Um, I don't know if I'm allowed to start a new thread lol but hey, I can try.

If not, go ahead and delete it, I won't cry. Maybe a little. :( lol

If so, I figured if there's a thread about how mad we are about stuff, why not one on how happy we are? I'm in a totally good mood right now so I want to share it!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

You don't have to thank God, but you can if you want. :)

LOL, so I'll start.

I'm thanking God for living in the US and I can easily get a job and an education. And it's the most awesome country EVER. In my opinion.

I'm also thankful for music. This one song I'm listening to just put me in this majorly good mood. If you're wondering, it's I'm For You by Toby Mac.

I lide the idea of a "thankful" thread. Sometimes good things happen and there's no one there with whom to share it. Now we have that. Thank you Hollyyo!
I'd like to say thank you to a certain friend I'm currently chatting to in IM.

Yeah, we're having a kind of dark conversation and yeah, we're talking about some hard issues. But thank you. You're helping me organize things in my mind that I otherwise wouldn't acknowledge. I don't think you realize how much you do for me and how luck I feel that you're willing to listen and debate with me.

What we're talking about is hard for me. It's something I feel oppresses me but you're helping me see the lighter side, reminding me of who I am, and what I can and have achieved.

So, thank you, my friend, for simply being you. You're a little starlet in my dark sky.

I'm thankful for all of my best friends. Most of them are online, and they mean more to me than they'll ever know. I can tell them anything and they don't judge me. I've told certain people certain things that no one else knows and I know I can trust them. So yep, I'm very thankful for them.
Alrighty! what a cool idea...

I am thankful that I met my husband 9 years ago and I'm thankful that when he tells me he loves me my heart still flutters.

I am thankful that my parents made me go to college.

I am thankful for my best friend. She makes me laugh soooo much!
What a nice idea for a thread...I never thought I would be saying this but I am thankful that I have had to work my butt off for everything I have ever wanted and that I have seldom had the joy of handouts. Its made me a stronger individual and I have learnt never to take things for granted.

I am so thankful for my friend he believes in me and my choices when I am filled with doubt.
I'm thankful I got my books in one trip today. Even though that freaking college has been a huge hassle, I eventually got what I needed.

I'm also thankful I have a job that I love, even though it doesn't sound very fun. Every day there has been light hearted and everyone's nice. :)
I'm thankful for pancakes. It's so great that you can make them so quickly and that they only contains ingredients I always have at home.

I'm thankful for being a lesbian. I'd hate myself if I was into guys, it's so great to be with a girl, girls smell good, girls understand girl-logic and girls look prettier anyway.

I'm thankful for the internet. I'd be so lost without it, I can't believe it didn't exist when I was born, I mean, how did people survive? :lol: