The Soup

The Soup, I have never seen the actual show itself but I have seen a thing they did "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" which has me in stitched every time I see it.
I like The Soup as well. Pop culture and wit, (I think it's even funnier than Best Week Ever, if anyone's seen that) I love Lou, the chihuahua.
But, I must admit I came here to ask a question that's been bugging me for a while. I could've asked in the CSI:Miami Jonathan Togo thread, but maybe someone here knows:
Did Jonathan Togo appear on an episode of The Soup? I could swear he did, but I don't think there are any screencaps of him. He was a super big time celebrity guest star or something... :lol: I think. Someone please confirm or deny (maybe even lead me to a place that has this info) so I can have some peace of mind!
^According to his imdb profile there's no listing of his apperance on this show :(.

I use to watch this show when I first started but I keep forgetting it's on. It never failed to make me laugh.
I had a question for the regual viewers of The Soup. Do you know if they parodied the Dustin Diamond scandel at all. I have the last four episodes on my Tivo, and was wondering if they make fun of it.
I.Love.The.Soup! I watch it all the time, but I'm not very good at remembering stuff on celebrities that I don't know, so I'm not sure about Dustin Diamond, sorry.
Calihan said:
I had a question for the regual viewers of The Soup. Do you know if they parodied the Dustin Diamond scandel at all. I have the last four episodes on my Tivo, and was wondering if they make fun of it.

Hmm...I'm sorry I can't help you either. I've been missing the last few episodes of the soup because House comes on the USA network at the same time now.

But out of the episodes I have seen this season I would have to say I loved it when he made fun of the Season Premiere of Miami.

*shows the first couple seconds of Rio and H putting on his shades and saying 'Were going to Brazil'

Joel: Wow, he just put on his sunglasses, wished to go somewhere and then he was there. I gotta try it *puts on sunglasses *came pans in and out* Hmm....must be the glasses.

That cracked me up to no end. I love Joel McHale he's just awesomly awesome. And I also loved it when he was sick and his voice was hoarse and everything.
Calihan said:
I had a question for the regual viewers of The Soup. Do you know if they parodied the Dustin Diamond scandel at all. I have the last four episodes on my Tivo, and was wondering if they make fun of it.
I know that they did show Dustin Diamond but I don't really remember the details. Did you see when they showed the footage of Nick punching K-Fed? Joel and the crew gave it a round of applause. :lol:

I also loved when there was a segment on the Katie Couric digitaly enhanced photo to make her skinnier, and he showed a before and after picture. The before picture was this and the after picture was this
Did you see when they showed the footage of Nick punching K-Fed? Joel and the crew gave it a round of applause. :lol:
Oh yeah! And they were chanting "CSI! CSI!" I thought it was cool that they acknowledged it! :)

^According to his imdb profile there's no listing of his apperance on this show .

I use to watch this show when I first started but I keep forgetting it's on. It never failed to make me laugh.
Thanks, jorja_fan86. I checked the Internet Movie Data base also. But I cannot get it out of my head! I'm 99% sure Jonathan Togo made a brief cameo. (I also think Emily Procter as well as a bunch of other various celebrities wished him a happy 103rd episode)
It doesn't help that Joel McHale guest starred in a CSI: Miami episode. He played a bank manager or something, and aparently he mentioned it on an episode. *sigh* I may have to go to the Ryan/Jonathan thread... but I wouldn't be able to because I have nothing to contribute to their conversation! (and the mods would kill me) :p
Ah yes, I remember when Joel was in Urban Hellraisers. I got all excited and that Friday I watched The Soup and he was making fun of himself. I just love that man, he cracks me up.
I don't think Joel is smug at all. He's a comedian and thats what his show is supposed to be, funny. And I think he delievers that every Friday. And besides I love it when he makes fun of K Fed and and Tony Danza.

Last week when he had that 'Pt Cruiser Lady' was hilarious.
"The Soup" is so funny. :lol:

The clip of the days are really hilarious. There was a Japanese toilet clip one time and that's how we got my baby brother potty trained. :lol: