The "Science vs. Religion" Thread

what?? my pop genetics prof didnt show us those last year! when this young earth creationist came to guelph last year for a talk he used the banana argument and i almost died laughing. i wanted to tell him he had a domesticated banana and its creator is actually farmers from new guinea like 8000 years ago but then again, the guy doesnt believe 8000 years ago exists so...

my prof is new this year...he is ok, but i think he hates us! It could be that we all like our TA better than him :lol: He was blunt about his opinion of the creationists..."i don't mean to offend anyone, but this is garbage" I don't think he has to worry about creationists being in a genetics lecture.

I wanted to go to that event, but I tend to chicken out when it comes to social events. I don't really know anyone in science, so i didn't want to go alone. I did read the re-cap on facebook, :lol: It was funny. The argument that the earth is only 6000 years ago is probably the dumbest i have ever seen.

i dont remember what the stat is, but i think close to 70% or so of americans dont believe in evolution.

I have seen 50%...and i think most of that 50% is in the southern states. States like Cali and texas are like two different worlds...
the thing is, people who use their religious views to refuse scientific findings are very good speakers. and thats what makes them so dangerous, to the casual listener they may not know that person is telling them absolute crap.

the guy who came to guelph was giving his fathers presentation (as his father is currently serving 10 years in jail) if you go on youtube and search 'kent hovind' you can find his presentation. there is also one version where every time he says something scientifically incorrect, the video is stopped and the correct information is given :lol: eta: never mind, it appears to have been removed.

its important for people who are unsure to read the scientific literature, or the actual studies. the people out there presenting myths and misconceptions as fact will never stop. even though they need to be stopped.