The photos of the day!

+ Those penguins are too cute. :D
- I think it would be better if it was shot in an angle where we can see the forms of both penguins.

Thanks for the comments on the picture I posted, by the way. Yeah, it's kinda blurry. I forgot to put my glasses on and I was shooting on a manual focus setting. ^^;

I took this picture of the hallway in my school. It's taken with a toy camera called a Holga 120GN, and the film I used is a Fuji Provia Professional Slide Film. It's one of my favorites because it looks so eerie. :D

+ The way the light is shining through the door looks fantastic.
- The reflection on the wall looks kinda blurry, it seems to take away from the effect a little. But overall great shot. :D

Another one of the Cliffs of Mohar, Co. Clare.

+ I really like the nature shots, definetly works well with the dark of the land and the bright water.
- There is a haze over where the sky is supposed to be. Perhaps crop closer to the cliffs so that there is still come sky but the focus is cliffs.

More random tulips...I'll have different ones uploaded soon. Just a lot going on with life and the musical I'm in. :)

+ Beautiful tulips, mostly when people take pictures of tulips they take a picture of the side and miss all the beauty of the inside. Thanks for taking us into the hidden world inside the tulip.
- Your camera focused on the grass leaving the tulips out of focus. Try using the "focus lock" on you camera by focusing on one of the closer tulips, holding the shutter down 1/2 way, then re-framing the shot and pressing the rest of the way down. I know it is fun to experiment with creative focus and out of focus, some look intentional as others look accidental, keep experimenting and you will soon find out which is which. Keep it up.

Mine for today, this is a picture of my nephew when he was 8 months old, I can hardly believe that he is now 2 1/2 years old.

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+ The composition of your nephew's face taking up most of the frame works very well.
- The eye furthest away is out of focus compared to the rest of his face.

Random building photo from my day trip to Milwaukee. More to come.

+i really like the lighting and the sign and other building in the backround. Milwaukee is a beautiful city :)
-the yellow bus sign in the bottom left is quite distracting and draws the focus right away to that.

heres mine.

pretty gazibo in Milwaukee

+ I love the tree in this picture. :)
- It's kinda blurry. Also, the light post on the left is a wee bit distracting. :)

Probably one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. I took this on a recent trip to my dad's hometown in Mindoro, Philippines.
+ I really like the dark trees against the warmer back ground. Definetly helps the trees pop out more.
- The tree on the left side is a little distracting. Perhaps try cropping it out, otherwise the eyes gets drawn there almost immediately.

A sculpture from the Michigan Lakefront. The art museum is in the background.

+ i like the position of the sculpture, the arms direct the eye to the center of the photo
- was there a different angle that had fewer objects in the background? the tree, light post, and other sculpture (i think thats what everything is) are a bit distracting

our hotel in chicago:

was there a different angle that had fewer objects in the background?

To answer your question, no there wasn't. The Art Museum and the other objects would have still been in the frame. I tried different angles and this one was the best with how everything sat in the background.

+ Interesting angle and the reflection of what is behind you works very well with the overall composition.
- The cranes at the top take away from the hotel, perhaps cropping them out might help. Also the light reflection in the middle is hard to look at and forces the eye to look away.

Photo down the fountian at the Art Museum in Milwaukee.

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+ I love this shot. I like how it leads the viewers' eyes to the fountain.
- It's not centered, but that's just me nitpicking. And the other stuff at the back of the fountain kinda kills the picture a bit and makes the fountain a little hard to see, but overall this picture looks great. :)

The side entrance of an old church in Paete, Laguna, Philippines
+ The coloring works well, helps pop the church from the sky.
- The church is at a strange angle in the photo, it's a bit distracting and the eye is not sure what to do with the image. Perhaps try a straight on shot next time.

Brise Soeil on the Art Museum in Milwaukee.

+ The Flamingo "hiding" behind the plant works very well. Also the river in the upper third helps divide the photo well.
- The over all photo is blurry and there is a slight haze. It seems like there was zoom used, though I'm not entirely sure. Try taking a few different shots using different camera settings.

Part of a very colorful glass sculpture.

+very colourful, contrast between orange and green
- looks a little bit like a worm

Beach of "La Rochelle" ( West France)