The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Those were all hilarious, for the "Big Middle One":lol: I can't think of anything that you all haven't alread posted:thumbsup:


Greg, OK, I've got to come up with some explanation":confused:


Grissom, "well, pick up the pieces and glue them back together"


First pic:

Nick (off-camera): Uh, Greggo... the expression is "through the looking glass" not "look through the glass"!

2nd pic:

Greg: Yeah, I know... I'm adorable. :D

Sorry, but I drew a blank on that second pic, but he is oh so adorable in it. :D
Greg: Hey boss, did you forget? We work the night shift.

---=== OR ===---

Vartann: Did Aykroyd REALLY invite you to join him on stage singing Soul Man?
Greg: Belushi is turning over in his grave.

---=== OR ===---

Vartann: Remember, when you are presenting the Emmy with Fishburn, no making faces at him.
Greg: And don't make devil horns behind him with your fingers.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: These X-Ray Specs didn't work on Catherine.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: I'm kewl, uh huh. Get down. Yeah, I'm kewl.
The Who: Who are you... Who cares, who cares.
Vartann "So Gil, how come you always get the cool sunglasses" and we don't?:cool:

Greg, "And Gil, [secretly] your hair is awesome too, and mine is well, quirky like me:lol:
Greg: Nick, do you want to tell Grissom his fly is open or should I?
Grissom: Greg, I can hear you.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Let's do "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to see who gets to photograph the cute corpse.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Now drop your cases, swing your partner, do-si-do.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: So it's luminol bottles at ten paces. Both of you turn around, and I'll count. One... Two... Three...

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Did you just see car 182 hit car 183. Now we gotta process our own guys.
Greg: "Nick, its about time you get rid of that mustache!"

Grissom: "Greg, help me hold him down!"

Sara: "I got the razor."

Greg: Nicky, I really wish you'd get rid of that mustache. It's creeping me out.

Nick: Sara, what do you think? Is it sexy?

Sara: Not at all. Greg's right. It is creepy.

Griss: Hey, you said you liked mine!

Sara: Yours was okay, but Nick looks better without one.

Greg: See, that's why you're my best friend, Sara! :D

Edited to say:

:lol: Wojo, looks like we had similiar thoughts. hehe. I didn't even see your post till after. Great minds think alike, huh? Hehe.
Obvious quote here...

Grissom: Alas, poor Warrick. I knew him well.

---=== OR ===---

Doc Robbins: There! I gave him a strange smile.
Grissom: Now make one eye wider than the other.
Doc Robbins: Like this?
Grissom: Perfect! That will teach Ecklie to split up my group.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Hodges said he got the brain from a jar labeled "Abby Normal".
Doc Robbins: And it goes in there. Now to put it back on the body.
Grissom: It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!
Doc Robbins: Uh oh. Run, Gil. RUN!

---=== OR ===---

Doc Robbins: You were right. This Emmy Committee member had a verrrrrry small brain.

---=== OR ===---

Doc Robbins: Go out for a long pass.
Doc: "We can tell from the bumps on his head he was very unintelligent."

Gris: "But what was the COD?"

Doc: "I just told you... the bumps on his head."

Gris: "I don't get it."

Doc: "He was too stupid to move out of the way!"
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