The Miami Stars Birthday Thread

Happy Birthday Ducky and all the best for a great day to David Caruso/Horatio Caine (51 and looking good) :D
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear David Caruso Ducky & saraholic Happy Birthday to you. Have a wonderful day. DC 51 & still looking yummy as ever. ;) :lol:
In case I can't be on 2morrow (Jan. 7....the big day!) A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DAVID CARUSO!!!!!! :) :D :lol: OMG, 51 and still looks as good as ever....Hope this year is a good one! And, of course, I still just absolutely luv him!!!! :cool: Why can't my b-day be Jan. 7? :confused: What a shame.....
Super-H will need his super breath to blow out all his candles. Happy birthday, David, from another David.
Erm... btw... I just realised thsi morning (it was last night when I posted) that I mixed saraholic with agertays. Sorry my bad :p (they are about the same age... LOL! And i'm getting old)
Happy birthday David ! you're gorgeous darling! LOL :lol: no really i mean it :D 51 years old (pause) *thinking* .. 51 years young! :D